Letter 4202

JJ Dillenius to J.G. Scheuchzer – Jun. 2.

Item info

Date: Jun. 2.
Author: JJ Dillenius
Recipient: J.G. Scheuchzer

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 325

Original Page


Sr [A?] [gen?]tleman of my Acqaintance is desirous to see Sr Hans Sloanes Collection. As soon as there be an opportunity I hope you will favour him & let [is?] know him. His name is Brown & is at Mr Batemans in Soho Square. I believe he will take an opportunity to wait on Sr Hans Sloane & you himself within a few Days: With my humble Service & respects to Sr Hans Sloane I am your most obliged humble Servant JJ Dillenius Jun. 2.

Dillenius informs Scheuchzer that an acquaintance by the name of Brown would like to meet Sir Hans Sloane. Johann Jakob Dillenius (1687-1747) practiced medicine in Grünberg, Hesse and served as town doctor in Giessen. He was also a botanist and the first president of the Botanical Society (London). Dillenius was elected FRS in 1724 and served as foreign secretary of the Royal Society in 1728-1747. G. S. Boulger, ‘Dillenius, Johann Jakob (1687–1747)’, rev. D. J. Mabberley, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/7648, accessed 13 July 2015]

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