Letter 4208

Henry Newman to Hans Sloane – Octob 4. 1734.

Item info

Date: Octob 4. 1734.
Author: Henry Newman
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4053
Folio: f. 278

Original Page


Henry Newman, Sloane MS 4053, f. 278v.

Henry Newman, Sloane MS 4053, f. 279r.

Newman sends Sloane a copy of a letter from the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge to their Members on October 4th 1734 about going to Georgia. The letter asks for supplies for those people who are travelling from Augsburg to Rotterdam, to Gravesend, to Georgia and staying in Georgia for a year. They require arms, utensils, and other provisions to take with them. Those going will be populating the Province with Virtuous and Laborious people. The reverse side lists an account of the money thus far received and Dispersed by the trustees from 14th of March 1731 to 4th of October 1734, as well as the estimate of charges for the 57 people and their conductor going to Georgia. Henry Newman (1670-1743) was Secretary for The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. He graduated BA and MA from Harvard, worked as a librarian, and entered the commercial fishing industry in Newfoundland until 1703 when he settled in England to work for the Society (Leonard W. Cowie, ‘Newman, Henry (1670–1743)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, May 2009 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/39693, accessed 14 Aug 2015]).

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