Letter 4217

Fisher to James Pettiver – Fryday Evening

Item info

Date: Fryday Evening
Author: Fisher
Recipient: James Pettiver

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 343

Original Page


Just now I come from High gate and have hire[d?] there a lodging commanded by a friend to Mr Chapmann living near the Chappel, but this Gentle mann not having a room empty for me commended me to one Mrs Baskevile living behind his ho[use?] where I am intended to take possession tomorrow in the evening. Therefore I give this notice to You, and begg to answer, […] at what a clok you have a mind to go there to morrow because I may then perhaps have the honour to go thither […] whitin within your companie, else your business hindring [..]his, you will find to morrow night in the fore said house Sir Your very humble S. Fisher. Fyday Evening.

Fischer informs James Petiver that he made arrangements for lodgings in High gate. Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach (died April 5, 1723, Vienna) was an Austrian sculptor, architect and architectural historian. Fischer’s Baroque architectural style played an important role in shaping the architectural tastes of the Habsburd Empire. (Hans Aurenhammer. “Johann Berhard Fischer von Erlach.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. Accessed June 8, 2015. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/ topic/208444/Johann-Bernhard-Fischer-von-Erlach).

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