Letter 4236

Jno: Hough to Char: Vere –

Item info

Author: Jno: Hough
Recipient: Char: Vere

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 381

Original Page


Sr: I being [strick?] with ye sence of ye [tespass?] which I commited against you in your absence: restrains me from approaching you in person I therefore with humble Submition beg yt: you will allow; these to be my advocate and in some measure plead for me I will not go about to justifie my self now especialy for having offended one who has been so good a Benifactor to me: all therefore yt: I desire to say: and beg your beliefe of is this: yt: ye: thing was never, by me premeditated in the Least: but ye imediate Effect of too much drink which I unadvisedly had drank which verry offten proves ye Bane of – Mankind. My accusers have not been: wanting in agravating ye Crime to its utmost Extention: Not only to prejuduce me in your favour as ye. only person agrieved: but allso in ye favour of those Gentlmen under who me at present I Gett part of […] Bread: for I now [sir?] under ye: misfortune of ye loss of a fing[er?] which hass rendred me Totaly incapable of getting any other Bread but yt: of watching ye which with my sincere [sorow?] for my offence I humbly offer to your judicious Consideration: Trusting wholy to yr: Clemency for my absolution ye: which shall for ever oblige me to acknoledg my self Sr: Yr: Very Humble Sorrowfull Servt: Jno: Hough

John Hough asks Charles Vere to advocate on his behalf. Hough does not specify his predicament but he states: “yt: ye: thing was never, by me premeditated in the Least: but ye imediate Effect of too much drink which I unadvisedly had drank which verry offten proves ye Bane of – Mankind.” John Hough was the President of Magdalen College, Oxford and the Bishop of Worcester. He published several anti-Catholic pamphlets during his career (Julian Lock, Hough, John (16511743), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/13862, accessed 14 June 2011]).

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