Letter 4238

G Jago to J. Petiver –

Item info

Author: G Jago
Recipient: J. Petiver

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 390

Original Page


5 Sr This being one of ye first Fishes .. [It?] … …. opp…. yt I have drawn in yt way & namee yt I intend to do all yt shall come to my sight in order to present em together hereafter as a token of my gratefull respect to ye Royall Society, I desire you to show it them & compare it with yt in ye history of Fishes: you are to [assure?] yt ye fish is very white & shining about ye eyes, & smooth & bright in ye rest of ye body, wh I have endeavoured here to express. The Gills also you will see are but oddly drawn in ye Hist. [Pisciss?]. You may be pleasd to return [this?] to me if you have any oportunity yt I may [pin?] it with ye rest [yt?] I am praparing & let me know what directions [?] comands ye R. Soc may think fit to give one in the work I design. G Jago [5?]

George Jago requests James Petiver to look at his drawing of a fish and compare it to those, belonging to the Royal Society. George Jago, Divinity Lecturer at Looe, country Cornwall, afterwards Vicar of Harberton and Halwell, county Devon (‘James Petiver, FRS Apothecary to the Charter-House: Miscellaneous correspondence’ British Library [http://searcharchives.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/display.do?dscnt=1&fromLogin =true&doc=IAMS040-002116460&displayMode=full&dstmp=1432649891937&vid=IAMS_ VU2&ct=display&tabs=detailsTab&fromLogin=true&fromLogin=true, accessed 10 August 2015]).

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