Letter 4239

Boyle Godfrey to Hans Sloane – Dec 4 1734

Item info

Date: Dec 4 1734
Author: Boyle Godfrey
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4053
Folio: f. 334

Original Page


Godfrey writes to Sloane about the observations he sent him and will continue to do so when they occur. He reports a person who took by mistake 30 drops of the aether (Throbonius’s) which disordered him, gave him a swimming in his head, the disposition to discharge the contents of his stomach, and was felt all over. He did not recover from it in less than 6 weeks or 2 months. Dr. Grossn has distilled the “Sal son cactis”, which grows a small acid spirit, then an “urinous” one, and then an inflammable oil. The doctor concludes it with nitrous, “Essonhall” salt from the grass and to an animal, which “acid-saltno” doubt is the cause of milks turning sour. This gentleman, as well as “Bourhaave”, will not allow “acidum dari in animalibus”, but asserts those found therein to be taken in pure aliments and that such acids are not inherent to here or one of the natural component parts thereof. Dr. Drage has proved that strong ice will corrode flesh. The bloachers have greenware from the West Indies in vain, Dr. Grossn is working there and separated a white phlogistic substance by coction from coconuts, which burns like wax candles. Sometime since Godfrey troubled Sloane last with apposition to his father, he was sent 12 guin, when 2 guin were left unpaid to his landlord which now is going to 5, and he is unable to pay him. If he does not pay him, the landlord threatens to sell his clothes and books. He got all his manuscripts and secrets from his whole life from his dear father and does not want them to fall into the wrong hands. As such, he asks Sloane to send him 10 guin which will save him and enable him to stand his ground while he is making the proofs before Kings Pr. on his remedy “Contra profluvia Sanguinis”.

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