Letter 4298

J. Clarke to Hans Sloane – July 29, 1731

Item info

Date: July 29, 1731
Author: J. Clarke
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: ff. 278-288

Original Page


[fol. 288] Padworth. July 29. 1731. Sr I beg Yr acceptance of these few coins, that were found in the neighbouring ruins of Silchester: I wish They may deserve a place in Your Musæum, That’s the wonder of every curious Traveller, & the boast of our Country. I blush to think how much Yr generosity has overpaid the little I have contributed, & as my Wife informs me, I am so much further indebted to Yr good nature for Yr kind & ready inclination to serve me, that I am in pain to find myself in so poor a situation as to have no other way to express my gratitude but by a bare acknowledgement. Sr, I hearitly thank Your for all Yr favours to us both & for my part, I make a willing offer of my slender service wherever Yr curiosity may command me; & in the mean time I beg leave to assure You, that there is no one, among the very great number that You have servd, that can be more sensible of Yr favours, & more proud of the honr of subscribing myself Sr Yr most obliged most humble servt J. Clarke Sr, I beg you be so kind as to give my service & respects to Dr Mortimer & Dr Aman.

J. Clarke, of Padworth in Berkshire.

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