Letter 4405

Thomas Shaw to Hans Sloane – Feb. 6. 1734-5

Item info

Date: Feb. 6. 1734-5
Author: Thomas Shaw
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4054
Folio: f. 2

Original Page


Shaw hopes Sloane received his letter from Winchester and that the BP. of London sent him the analysis of Heads of Shaw’s book which Shaw had left when he was last there and told him to send it to Sloane when he had finished perusing it. Shaw had prepared extracts that he sent out of the old Geographers to prefix his observations. He mentions some quotations from Ptolemy and others. Shaw asks Sloane for his corrections and improvements. He plans on coming to town to shut up his subscription hopefully at the beginning of next month when he shall with great pleasure wait upon Sloane.

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