Letter 4447

Mary Grey (née Tufton) to Hans Sloane – 10th April 1735

Item info

Date: 10th April 1735
Author: Mary Grey (née Tufton)
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4054
Folio: f. 31

Original Page


Mary writes of her Housekeeper whom gave Sloane the enclosed pre-description last summer. She now has such indigestion than ever. What ever she eats comes up sooner and she is not sick, nor does she vomit but her victuals comes up thus by degrees. She has had no return of these pains since she was with you and has desired a vomit for this complaint but her former illness being so uncommon. Mary was afraid to let her take one without asking Sloane.

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