Letter 4462

William Burton to Hans Sloane – April 12/16, 1732

Item info

Date: April 12/16, 1732
Author: William Burton
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: f. 96

Original Page


Burton recommends a patient to Sloane. William Burton was a physician.

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A Unnamed Lady
  • Description

    Burton was called to see 'the Lady the Bearer', who is 'subject to frequent hysterical Convulsions' and pulses. He believes her condition came about after undertaking 'a regimen she had been recommended to for the benefit of her Eyes viz repeated phlebotomy & Catharticks continued eight months'. The treatment weakened her constitution. Burton 'attended her, and her strength is pretty well recovrd'. Her eyes are still in poor shape. Burton does not know 'Whether it be an hysterick or a Rheumatick affecting of this organ [the eye]'. The patient's vision is obscured and she is in pain.

  • Diagnosis

    Convulsions; pulses; eyes; hemorrhoids; weakness; rheumatism; pain.

  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:

    Burton blistered her and gave her a 'Bolus's of Cons: Anth: Cinnab: Antim: Castor: Rad: Valer: Sylo: philo: Visc: querc:'

    Ongoing Treatment:

    By 16 April the patient developed 'frequent itching, cutaneous Tubercles in various parts of the Body'. She was given 'Diaphoreticks were used till the sympton almost disappear'd and then an Enema'. Burton claims that 'The former seem'd necessary to obviate the Complaint of painfull Haemorrhoids'. The latter have subsided since 'the Disorder of her Eyes first seized her [...] This Cutaneous Eruption was attended with Considerable releif to the Eyes'.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Convulsions, Eyes, Haemorrhoids, Weakness, Rheumatism, Pulse, Pain