Letter 4495

Edward Lovell to Hans Sloane – June 6, 1732

Item info

Date: June 6, 1732
Author: Edward Lovell
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: f. 122

Original Page


[fol. 122] Sr I don’t know whether I have ye honour of being so much known to you, as to venture upon making so great a request as yt of desiring ye Living of Chelsea, wch is now void in your gift. My Name Sr I believe you are no stranger to, as my Character I hope in all its parts will bear ye strictest enquiry, this may purchase help to recommend me to your favour. And this may perhaps be some advantage to me in your opinion yt I have had ye honour of being Chaplain to ye late King for many years, I bear still ye Character from his present Majesty, & yt I am a native of ye same kingdom wth your self & tho it is not possible for me to do ye same Honours to your Country yt your Great Genuis has inabled you to do, yet I hope I may be allow’d wth truth & modesty to say yt I have never […] any blemish or disgrace upon it. I only beg leave Sr to add yt if I may be so happy to obtain your Patronage on this occasion I shall always make it my study yt every part of my Conduct may […] be able to answere ye best expectations you can from a Clergyman, & wth respect to your self Sr always approve my self in ye […] of respect & gratitude Sr most obliged & most obedient humble servt. Edw: Lovell […] June 6 1732

Edward Lovell was Chaplain to George I and George II.

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