Letter 4512

Thomas Lediarde to Hans Sloane – Aug.25.1735

Item info

Date: Aug.25.1735
Author: Thomas Lediarde
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4054
Folio: f. 94

Original Page


Sir Mr Schacher, Son of Lrd Schacher, Dean of the Medicinal Faculty at Leipzick, being very desirous of seing your exquisite Collection, had desired me to bed that Favour of you, what Day and Hour you shall be pleas’d to order. your accustomed Goodness, Sir, will I am persuaded cuse this Curiosity in a Traveller and pardon the free dom being taken by Sir your most obedient humble Servt Thomas Ledinarde Smith’s Square, Westm. Aug.25.1735

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