Letter 4519

Alice Brodrick to Hans Sloane – July 4, 1732

Item info

Date: July 4, 1732
Author: Alice Brodrick
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: ff. 142-143

Original Page


[fol. 142] Sir you was so good to give me leave to trouble you with an acct of my self from hence & I can never miss any opportunity of acknowledging yr continued goodness & favours to me ever since I had first ye pleasure of being acquainted with you, I wrote about 3 lines this day sennight to Mr Ballard in wch I desir’d my compliments & that she wou’d tell you yt I intended to write to you as soon as I had seen Dr Boerhave, I have seen him & gave yr Service as you desir’d wch he recd with great pleasure I regard, & returns his Compliments, he says as to my complaint that they are uncommon but that he hopes he may help me. I began his prescriptions this morning. I was so fatigued with my voyage that I have not stirr’d any where since & indeed my pain prevents me from moving much about so that I can’t give any acct of ye place, I suppose Mr Stanley gone to Paultons byt this time. I hope La [sic] Cadogan is well & shou’d be glad to hear that ye bath agrees with Mrs Sloane as I shall always be of ye health & happiness of every one that belongs to you or for whom you have any concern, & shall never forget how greatly I am oblig’d to you nor cease to be Sir, your most Obedt & most humble servant A Brodrick Leyden July ye 4th 1732 N:S: if you do me ye favour to let me hear from you direct to me at Mr Peter Ronger’s at Leyden

Alice Brodrick (1697-1780) was the daughter of Alan Brodrick, 1st Viscount Midleton of Midleton and Lucy Courthope. She married Reverend John Castleman in 1736 (Mosley, Charles, Editor. Burke’s Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th Edition, 3 Volumes (Wilmington, Delaware: Burke’s Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 2, page 2683).

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