Letter 4532

Cromwell Mortimer to Hans Sloane – August 11, 1732

Item info

Date: August 11, 1732
Author: Cromwell Mortimer
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: ff. 162-163

Original Page


[fol. 162] Aug. 11. 1732. Honour’d Sr I have talked with my father about taking an house, wch he approves of, but I dont find he can fix for me any certain Allowance: he is much surprized at my freinds not making use of me, when he says he hath always heard them speak favorably of me: indeed this Disappointment hath made me much more concern’d than formerly; for I am almost without hopes of succeeding in my profession. I am now at Chelmsford where I find by ye News-papers yt Dr. Harris is dead, wherefore I take this liberty of reminding you yt if you think me a proper person for those Lectures wch he used to read at e college, I would thankfull accept yt office, & be obliged to you to propose me to ye Electors, wch will be a great addition to the many favours, you have already bestowed upon me, who have so little merited them at your hands; but was I once in a good prospect of busin[…] I should with cheerfullness endeaver to […] all possible returns for your freindship to me. My father thinks it proper for […] to visit all ye Neighbouring Gentlemen who are in ye country at present, wch […] have detained me so long, & I doubt will keep me a week longer before I should have made my round: butt if you […] it better for me to come to town […]er, I can on notice of it come immediately. I am Sr your most obliged hum[…] Servant C Mortimer

Cromwell Mortimer (c.1693-1752) was a physician and antiquary who gained his MD at Leiden University. He became Licentiate at the Royal College of Physicians in 1725, Fellow of the Royal Society in 1728, and Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in 1729. In 1729, at the request of Sir Hans Sloane, he moved to Bloomsbury Square to assist him in prescribing medicine for his patients (W. P. Courtney, Mortimer, Cromwell (c.16931752), rev. Michael Bevan, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/19341, accessed 2 Aug 2013]).

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