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Letter 1120

John Hudson to Hans Sloane – March 5, 1706/07

Item info

Date: March 5, 1706/07
Author: John Hudson
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4040
Folio: ff. 319-320

Original Page


Hudson thanks Sloane for his generous gift to the library and assures him it will be put in a place that does him justice as a benefactor. John Hudson (1662-1719) was elected librarian of the Bodleian Library in 1701. He corresponded with numerous scholars and librarians, both in England and abroad (Theodor Harmsen, Hudson, John (16621719), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2013 [, accessed 27 June 2013]).

Patient Details

Letter 1119

Samuel Dale to Hans Sloane – March 5, 1706/07

Item info

Date: March 5, 1706/07
Author: Samuel Dale
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4040
Folio: ff. 317-318

Original Page


Dale informs Sloane that someone has offered Mrs Ray £100 for he late husband’s books, which she is accepting without seeking Sloane’s approbation. Samuel Dale was an apothecary, botanist, and physician who contributed several articles to the Philosophical Transactions. He was John Ray’s executor and good friend, and from Dale’s letters to Sloane we learn many details of Ray’s final moments (G. S. Boulger, Dale, Samuel (bap. 1659, d. 1739), rev. Juanita Burnby, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 5 July 2013]).

Patient Details

Letter 1118

James Yonge to Hans Sloane – February 26, 1706/07

Item info

Date: February 26, 1706/07
Author: James Yonge
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4040
Folio: ff. 315-316

Original Page


Yonge sends the ‘History’ Sloane requested, along with the patient’s hair, bone, and membrane. Some hair found in a woman’s belly is also included, which is to be forwarded to Dr Tyson. Yonge would like to know why his name is not in the latest Philosophical Transactions. James Yonge was a surgeon and physician of Plymouth with experience as a ship’s surgeon. He was a prominent citizen in his native Plymouth and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society and member of the Royal College of Physicians in 1702 (Ian Lyle, Yonge, James (16471721), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 20 May 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 1117

Robert Sibbald to Hans Sloane – February 26, 1707

Item info

Date: February 26, 1707
Author: Robert Sibbald
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4040
Folio: ff. 313-314

Original Page


Sibbald informs Sloane most of the presses are preoccupied with printing articles on the Acts of Union. He has managed to print the ‘Lex Hippocatre […] in which I show the qualifications required in a good physician’. He sends a copy for Sloane’s library. Sibbald was a physician and a geographer. He was physician to James VII (Charles W. J. Withers, Sibbald, Sir Robert (16411722), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, May 2006 [, accessed 19 June 2013]).

Patient Details

Letter 1114

Patrick Blair to Hans Sloane – February 17, 1707

Item info

Date: February 17, 1707
Author: Patrick Blair
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4040
Folio: ff. 308-309

Original Page


Blair asks whether Sloane received his letter apropos the account of a dead elephant and his anatomical and surgical observations. He wants them to be published in the Philosophical Transactions. Patrick Blair was a botanist and surgeon whose papers were published in the Transactions. In 1715 Blair joined the Jacobite rebellion as a battle surgeon but was captured and condemned to death. He was visited by Sloane in prison in the hopes the latter might secure a pardon. Sloane was successful and the pardon arrived shortly before Blair’s scheduled execution (Anita Guerrini, Blair, Patrick (c.16801728), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 31 May 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 1107

Margaret Ray to Hans Sloane – December 24, 1706

Item info

Date: December 24, 1706
Author: Margaret Ray
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4040
Folio: ff. 279-280

Original Page


[fol. 279] Sr I would not have you think me ungratefull in not returning you my most hearty thanks for your last kind letter as likewise for the pains you have taken for me with Sr Tho: Willoughby but especially for your own very kind intended guift therein mentioned me: The only hindrance hath been because I could not happen of any person in these parts whose stay in London would permit them to wait upon you considering that your business occasion your being often absent from your house: I intreat the favour of you to leave the money at your conveniance: with mr sam’l smith and Mr Ben Walford or either of them to whom I have given advice to receive the money and give you a discharge: As to my husbands letter I intend very shortly to have them overlooke and send them: I cannot close this without repeating my humble thanks for all your favours and presenting my daughters humble services which likewise accept from Sr Your most obliged humble servant Margaret Ray Black Notley Dec 24th 1706

Margaret Ray (nee Oakley) was the wife of John Ray, the naturalist and theologian (Scott Mandelbrote, Ray , John (16271705), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Oct 2005 [, accessed 21 May 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 1136

Patrick Blair to Hans Sloane – May 28, 1707

Item info

Date: May 28, 1707
Author: Patrick Blair
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4040
Folio: ff. 362-363

Original Page


Blair thanks Sloane for his favours and hopes they will soon be able to meet in person. He asks Sloane to help him publish his account of the elephant and anatomical observations. Patrick Blair was a botanist and surgeon whose papers were published in the Transactions. In 1715 Blair joined the Jacobite rebellion as a battle surgeon but was captured and condemned to death. He was visited by Sloane in prison in the hopes the latter might secure a pardon. Sloane was successful and the pardon arrived shortly before Blair’s scheduled execution (Anita Guerrini, Blair, Patrick (c.16801728), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 31 May 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 1105

Arthur Charlett to Hans Sloane – December 23, 1706

Item info

Date: December 23, 1706
Author: Arthur Charlett
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4040
Folio: f. 276

Original Page


Charlett inquires about the ‘Cabrius Aurelrau de re Medicate’. Some of his colleagues at the College have a desire to peruse it. Charlett was elected Master of University College at Oxford in 1692 and held that post until his death in 1722. Charlett used the mastership to gain influence, especially through persistent letter-writing to numerous correspondents, sharing the latest literary, political, and scholarly gossip (R. H. Darwall-Smith, Charlett, Arthur (16551722), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 1 June 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 1104

William Derham to Hans Sloane – December 18, 1706

Item info

Date: December 18, 1706
Author: William Derham
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4040
Folio: ff. 272-273

Original Page


[fol. 273] Upminster Dec 18 1706 Sr I lately recd these 2 Critical Notes wth a Lr from an ingenious & learned Friend, well skilled in that kind of Learning. He is a Batch: of Divinity & Fellow of Queens Coll Cambr, but minded to conceal his Name under the feigned one subscribed under the enclos- ed Notes. He thinks yt the Criticks ought to be enter- tained sometimes in the Transactions, as well as the Mathematicians, Naturalists &c. He would be glad to know the opinion of the Criticks of the Society about his guess at [Nupillas & Dulcedine] wch he criticises on. If the ways were better, & the days longer, I would have enjoyed the happiness of the Meeting of the Society. I am extremely pleased wth the Ob- servations you have published in the Transactions of Mr. Flamsteed, Dr Facio, & Dr Scheuchzer concern- ing the Moons Atmosphere, wch I ever imagined to be, but never saw so good proof of before. I have just now provided my self wth an excellent semi- circle to take the Angles, & thereby the distances of the places from whence I observed the Flight of Sounds which was the only thing yt hath delayed the me from imparting my Observations on yt subject. I am Sr your obliged & humble servt W: Derham In or soon after the Holy-days you shall hear what news at Orsett.

Derham was a Church of England clergyman and a natural philosopher, interested in nature, mathematics, and philosophy. He frequently requested medical advice from Sloane, and likely served as a physician to his family and parishioners (Marja Smolenaars, “Derham, William (1657-1735)”, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 7 June 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 1102

Patrick Blair to Hans Sloane – December 16, 1706

Item info

Date: December 16, 1706
Author: Patrick Blair
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4040
Folio: f. 270

Original Page


Blair encloses a number of anatomical and surgical observations. He hopes they are fit for publication in the Philosophical Transactions. He discusses a treatise on some bones found in Germany. The bottom of the manuscript is torn. Patrick Blair was a botanist and surgeon whose papers were published in the Transactions. In 1715 Blair joined the Jacobite rebellion as a battle surgeon but was captured and condemned to death. He was visited by Sloane in prison in the hopes the latter might secure a pardon. Sloane was successful and the pardon arrived shortly before Blair’s scheduled execution (Anita Guerrini, Blair, Patrick (c.16801728), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 31 May 2011]).

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