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Letter 2198

Charles Preston to Hans Sloane – April 10, 1698

Item info

Date: April 10, 1698
Author: Charles Preston
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4037
Folio: ff. 52-53

Original Page


Preston thanks Sloane for his last letter. He writes of Dr Sibbald delivering the letter and a book to Sloane and promises to send some curiosities. Preston was a physician and botanist who established a lengthy correspondence with Sloane, exchanging plants, seeds, books and information. His main interest was in botany, and was well-known by his contemporaries for his botanical knowledge (Anita Guerrini, Preston, Charles (16601711), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 18 June 2013]).

Patient Details

Letter 2078

Thomas Hearne to Hans Sloane – May 11, 1716

Item info

Date: May 11, 1716
Author: Thomas Hearne
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4044
Folio: ff. 157-158

Original Page


Hearne informs Sloane that he has published several new books. Attached is an advertisement for them. Thomas Hearne (bap. 1678, d. 1735) was an antiquary and diarist. He began working at the Bodleian Library in 1701. A nonjuror, his refusal to take an oath of allegiance to King George I led to his dismissal from the Bodleian in 1716. Hearne published the works of several English chroniclers (Theodor Harmsen, Hearne, Thomas (bap. 1678, d. 1735), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 2 June 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 2072

John Anstis to Hans Sloane – March 24, 1715/16

Item info

Date: March 24, 1715/16
Author: John Anstis
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4044
Folio: ff. 145-146

Original Page


[fol. 145] March 24 1715/6 S’r ffinding in the Gazette that His Ma’ty hath conferred on You the dignity of a Baronet for which there is by Patent due to me 2ll.10δ., I take the liberty to acquaint you (as I did lately to my Lord Chief Justice, when He was created a Peer) that I have appointed no one to receive my fee, So that if it be included in any bill, I must desire you not pay it; I presume you will take the same measures His LP hath done, and that I may have y’r leave in some short time to wait on You for it; Otherwise (since there is some opposition given me contrary to all Law) you’l not think your self disobliged, if I endeavour by proper methods to recover it. I am forced to write so plain in regard to the rights of my Office, whereof I shall give you the History, when I have the Honour to wait on You. I am Y’r most Obedt Servant John Anstis Garter.

John Anstis was a herald, antiquary, and MP (Stuart Handley, Anstis, John (16691744), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [, accessed 28 June 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 2792

Edmund Bohun to Hans Sloane – February 15, 1700

Item info

Date: February 15, 1700
Author: Edmund Bohun
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4038
Folio: f. 134

Original Page


Bohun will visit Sloane soon. Mr Franklin one of Sloane’s papers to Bohun. Edmund Bohun was a merchant whose father, of the same name, was chief justice of the colony of South Carolina until his death in 1699. See the entry for the elder Edmund Bohun (Geoff Kemp, Bohun, Edmund (16451699), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 25 June 2013]).

Patient Details

Letter 1955

Robert South to Hans Sloane – April 24, 1714

Item info

Date: April 24, 1714
Author: Robert South
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4043
Folio: ff. 247-248

Original Page


[fol. 247] Worthy S’r I presume to desire ye favour of Your, sometime or other to day or to morrow to Vouchsafe to call in upon S’r Your very humble servant Robert South Westm’r Abbey 24 Aprill 1714

South was a prominent clergyman and theologian. The political and religious tumult that took place during his lifetime gave him an ample supply of issues to take up in the public arena (Burke Griggs, South, Robert (16341716), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 14 June 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 1988

Charles Trimnell to Hans Sloane – October 11, 1714

Item info

Date: October 11, 1714
Author: Charles Trimnell
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4043
Folio: ff. 304-305

Original Page


Charles Trimnell (bap. 1663, d. 1723) was the Bishop of Winchester and served as Chaplin-in-Ordinary to William III and Queen Anne (W. M. Jacob, Trimnell, Charles (bap. 1663, d. 1723), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 23 June 2011]).

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A Trimnell's Lord
  • Description

    Last night the man vomited, suffered from constipation, and was in pain between stools. There is an uncomfortable feeling in the man's foot.

  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:
    Ongoing Treatment:

    The patient solicits Sloane's advice. Trimnell suggests a visit before the coronation would be best.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Vomiting, Constipation, Pain

Letter 1979

Thomas Tenison, Archbishop of Canterbury to Hans Sloane – September 6, 1714

Item info

Date: September 6, 1714
Author: Thomas Tenison, Archbishop of Canterbury
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4043
Folio: ff. 288-289

Original Page


Thomas Tenison was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1694 to his death in 1715. A staunch anti-Catholic, he devoted much time to promoting the Church of England and establishing it as the sole religious institution in England (William Marshall, Tenison, Thomas (16361715), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [, accessed 25 May 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 1972

Richard Richardson to Hans Sloane – July 10, 1714

Item info

Date: July 10, 1714
Author: Richard Richardson
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4043
Folio: f. 276

Original Page


Richardson received Sloane’s letter after taking a relative to University College, Oxford. He has sent fossils with Houldesworth. Llwyd informed Richardson of some geological observations. He offers a list of fossils and relays his own geological and ornithological observations. Richardson was a physician and botanist who traveled widely in England, Wales, and Scotland in search of rare specimens. He corresponded and exchanged plants with many well-known botanists and naturalists (W. P. Courtney, Richardson, Richard (16631741), rev. Peter Davis, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, May 2010 [, accessed 31 May 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 1971

Ralph Thoresby to Hans Sloane – July 3, 1714

Item info

Date: July 3, 1714
Author: Ralph Thoresby
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4043
Folio: f. 273

Original Page


Thoresby sends a catalogue of the items in his personal collection. Thoresby was an antiquary and topographer. He expanded his fathers Musaeum Thoresbyanum impressively, and his collection brought him into discussion with many important political and scholarly figures (P. E. Kell, Thoresby, Ralph (16581725), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Oct 2006 [, accessed 3 June 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 1969

Charles Churchill to Hans Sloane – June 30, 1714

Item info

Date: June 30, 1714
Author: Charles Churchill
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4043
Folio: ff. 269-270

Original Page


Churchill was told that Sloane is meeting Dr Gath at the Old Bailey the following day. He tried to reach Sloane at his house, but missed him. Churchill wants to arrange a time to meet. Churchill was made lieutenant of the Tower of London in 1702 and Governor of Guernsey in 1706. He died on 29 December, 1714 (Elizabeth Churchill Snell, Churchill, Charles (16561714), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 22 June 2011]).

Patient Details