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Letter 1832

Patrick Blair to Hans Sloane – March 15, 1712

Item info

Date: March 15, 1712
Author: Patrick Blair
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4043
Folio: f. 32

Original Page


Blair is glad to hear Petiver’s mission in Holland was a success and he made acquisitions at auction. He laments that Sloane did not inform him of Petiver’s going to Holland beforehand because he had wanted to send a copy of his ‘Manuale Pharma:Botanicum, and Synopsis Methodi: Turniforiana to be revised by the Botanists there’. He desires clarification as to how many prints he is to make of his ‘Osteographia Eleph:’. Patrick Blair was a botanist and surgeon whose papers were published in the Transactions. In 1715 Blair joined the Jacobite rebellion as a battle surgeon but was captured and condemned to death. He was visited by Sloane in prison in the hopes the latter might secure a pardon. Sloane was successful and the pardon arrived shortly before Blair’s scheduled execution (Anita Guerrini, Blair, Patrick (c.16801728), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 31 May 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 1811

Ralph Thoresby to Hans Sloane – January 4, 1709/10

Item info

Date: January 4, 1709/10
Author: Ralph Thoresby
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4042
Folio: f. 84

Original Page


Thoresby requests some issues of the Philosophical Transactions. He wants to recruit subscribers for a new publication. Thoresby was an antiquary and topographer. He expanded his fathers Musaeum Thoresbyanum impressively, and his collection brought him into discussion with many important political and scholarly figures (P. E. Kell, Thoresby, Ralph (16581725), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Oct 2006 [, accessed 3 June 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 1833

William Nicolson to Hans Sloane – March 24, 1711/12

Item info

Date: March 24, 1711/12
Author: William Nicolson
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4043
Folio: ff. 33-34

Original Page


Nicolson wants to meet Sloane on Wednesday afternoon and visit ‘the rest of the Society at Crane Court on Thursday’. Nicolson was an Irish clergyman and antiquary noted for his language skills. He became Bishop of Derry in 1718 (D. W. Hayton, Nicolson, William (16551727), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [, accessed 13 June 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 1731

William Derham to Hans Sloane – February 16, 1711

Item info

Date: February 16, 1711
Author: William Derham
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4042
Folio: ff. 250-251

Original Page


[fol. 251] Sr Upmr Feb: 16 1710/1 Since my return home, I have taken care to prevent any mischief being done you at Orset having given a strict charge to Lucking about it, who promiseth his faithfull diligence & care. I have also spoken to Capt Stanes about the Surveyour, & have brought him down to 8d p acre. He will in some short time wait upon you About it, wch I thought necessary to advertise you of yt you may know what to say the better in your affair. Being in some hast I forgot, & therefore desire you to tell him yt you will find no Boy to carry the Chain, nor be at any other charges; wch is not unusual for them to bring in as a surcharge. He hath engage to survey all ye Land nicely, to platt & adorn it handsomely, & to put down all the timber trees in their due place in the Map, wch you may repeat in your bargain with him. I have not yet heard of My Towneleys papers wch I wrote to you about last week. If you hear of them, favr me with an account of it. I am your Ladies, & Your much obliged humble servant Wm Derham My Wifes humble service & thanks to you. Her eyes are better

Derham was a Church of England clergyman and a natural philosopher, interested in nature, mathematics, and philosophy. He frequently requested medical advice from Sloane, and likely served as a physician to his family and parishioners (Marja Smolenaars, Derham, William (16571735), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 7 June 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 1834

Ralph Thoresby to Hans Sloane – March 26, 1712

Item info

Date: March 26, 1712
Author: Ralph Thoresby
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4043
Folio: f. 35

Original Page


Thoresby apologizes for not having the means to return Sloane’s favours. He puts himself at Sloane’s service. Thoresby was an antiquary and topographer. He expanded his fathers Musaeum Thoresbyanum impressively, and his collection brought him into discussion with many important political and scholarly figures (P. E. Kell, Thoresby, Ralph (16581725), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Oct 2006 [, accessed 3 June 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 1730

James Keill to Hans Sloane – February 15, 1710/11

Item info

Date: February 15, 1710/11
Author: James Keill
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4042
Folio: ff. 248-249

Original Page


Keill did not formally attend medical school, but through the patronage of Sloane he obtained the degree of MD from Cambridge. Sloane helped Keill enter into medical practice in Northampton (Anita Guerrini, Keill, James (16731719), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [, accessed 2 June 2011]).

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: Lord Lempster
  • Description

    Lempster's 'Pulse continues still to intermitt'.

  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:

    Keill vomited Lempster, which 'brought away... stool', and Lempster expelled more water than he took in. This weakened Lempster considerably. His belly became more swollen and hard than the week before.

    Ongoing Treatment:

    Once Lempster recovers his strength Keill will continue with vomiting. He is going to give 'some Diureticks' to Lady Lempster to administer to her husband.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Stomach, Vomiting, Inflammations

Letter 1728

James Keill to Hans Sloane – February 6, 1710/11

Item info

Date: February 6, 1710/11
Author: James Keill
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4042
Folio: ff. 243-244

Original Page


Keill did not formally attend medical school, but through the patronage of Sloane he obtained the degree of MD from Cambridge. Sloane helped Keill enter into medical practice in Northampton (Anita Guerrini, Keill, James (16731719), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [, accessed 2 June 2011]).

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: Lord Lempster
  • Description

    Keill gave Lempster 'another vomit' the day before, which provided some relief. There was not 'such a quantity of Humours as the first' vomiting. Lempster's 'belly is very big and hard, and certainly Dropsicall.' Keill could not reduce the swelling.

  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:
    Ongoing Treatment:

    Keill is going to continue vomiting Lempster. He is going to administer all of the medicines he administered before.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Dropsy, Inflammations, Lungs

Letter 1727

Thomas Hearne to Hans Sloane – February 6, 1710/11

Item info

Date: February 6, 1710/11
Author: Thomas Hearne
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4042
Folio: ff. 241-242

Original Page


Hearne thanks Sloane for paying the 42 shillings. He names some of the people purchasing materials from him. Thomas Hearne (bap. 1678, d. 1735) was an antiquary and diarist. He began working at the Bodleian Library in 1701. A nonjuror, his refusal to take an oath of allegiance to King George I led to his dismissal from the Bodleian in 1716. Hearne published the works of several English chroniclers (Theodor Harmsen, Hearne, Thomas (bap. 1678, d. 1735), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 2 June 2011]).

Patient Details

Letter 1725

James Keill to Hans Sloane – February 1, 1711

Item info

Date: February 1, 1711
Author: James Keill
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4042
Folio: ff. 237-238

Original Page


Keill did not formally attend medical school, but through the patronage of Sloane he obtained the degree of MD from Cambridge. Sloane helped Keill enter into medical practice in Northampton (Anita Guerrini, Keill, James (16731719), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [, accessed 2 June 2011]).

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: Lord Lempster
  • Description

    Lempster's family is 'apprehensive' because his breathing has once again become troubled. '[H]is Legs, Belly, and Hands [are] very much swelled', which lead Keill to vomit him, ridding him of 'a great deall of watry humour'. Lempster's pulse is still quick, he is parched, and 'his water is lighter coloured'.

  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:
    Ongoing Treatment:

    Lady Lempster wants Sloane to advise Keill.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Vomiting, Inflammations, Lungs

Letter 1724

Charles Preston to Hans Sloane – January 27, 1711

Item info

Date: January 27, 1711
Author: Charles Preston
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4042
Folio: ff. 235-236

Original Page


Preston relays his publishing plans. He received foods from Montpellier, some ‘iperacuanha’ from Virginia, various other specimens, and the Philosophical Transactions he had asked for. Preston was a physician and botanist who established a lengthy correspondence with Sloane, exchanging plants, seeds, books and information. His main interest was in botany, and was well-known by his contemporaries for his botanical knowledge (Anita Guerrini, Preston, Charles (16601711), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 7 June 2011]).

Patient Details