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Letter 3570

John Gyles to Hans Sloane – February 10, 1728/29

Item info

Date: February 10, 1728/29
Author: John Gyles
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4050
Folio: ff. 59-60

Original Page


Gyles treated several patients with fevers last year. He discusses how he treated them, detailing the composition of the concoction he administered. John Gyles was a physician.

Patient Details

Letter 3571

Louis Leon Pajot, Comte d' Ons-en-Bray to Hans Sloane – February 13, 1729

Item info

Date: February 13, 1729
Author: Louis Leon Pajot, Comte d' Ons-en-Bray
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4050
Folio: f. 61

Original Page


Pajot requests that Sloane provide advice to his gardener, who is visiting England. The man would like to view Sloane’s cabinet of curiosities. Louis Leon Pajot (1678-1753) was a Parisian physician. He collected natural and mechanical curiosities, which attracted many visitors including Peter the Great. He made contributions to the Memoires de l’Academie des Sciences and was of member of the said organization (Gaspard Monge, Jean-Dominique Cassini, Pierre Bertholon, and Jean-Henri Hassenfratz, ‘Encyclopedie methodique ou par ordre de matieres: dictionnaire de physique, Volume 4’ (Hotel de Thou, 1822), 231).

Patient Details

Letter 3580

Louis Leon Pajot, Comte d' Ons-en-Bray to Hans Sloane – March 23, 1729

Item info

Date: March 23, 1729
Author: Louis Leon Pajot, Comte d' Ons-en-Bray
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4050
Folio: f. 75

Original Page


Pajot encloses a collection of seeds his gardener collected, as Sloane requested. Louis Leon Pajot (1678-1753) was a Parisian physician. He collected natural and mechanical curiosities, which attracted many visitors including Peter the Great. He made contributions to the Memoires de l’Academie des Sciences and was of member of the said organization (Gaspard Monge, Jean-Dominique Cassini, Pierre Bertholon, and Jean-Henri Hassenfratz, ‘Encyclopedie methodique ou par ordre de matieres: dictionnaire de physique, Volume 4’ (Hotel de Thou, 1822), 231).

Patient Details

Letter 3587

Hans Sloane to Charles-Irénée Castel de Saint-Pierre – May. 27. 1714

Item info

Date: May. 27. 1714
Author: Hans Sloane
Recipient: Charles-Irénée Castel de Saint-Pierre

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4068
Folio: f. 89

Original Page


MonSr. May. 27. 1714 J’ay eu l’honneur de recevoir vos deux lettres dont je vous remercie aussi bien que d’un exemplaire de vostre livrs traduit en Anglais Sur un projet de paix universelle et d’autre que l’on donne sur les chemins. Si tout[?] que j’ais receu vos papiers je les fis rendre a MonSr. Watts par un de les confreres. Je suis beaucoup obliges a vostre bonte de tout cela. Je serai fort aise que la paix generale sois etablie pour tousjours car les craintes quoique fort souvent sans fondement, & quoique bien fondier souvent dits pres par des providences imprevues ne laissent pas de faire du dommage a la faute de pauvres mortels, qui quelques fois ont de telles for blesser d’esprit de trouver la danger ou il n’y en a point. Les mauvais chemins aussi sont des gens malades, par exemple les grandes secousses font que les pierres dans les reins ou dans la vessie donnent de la peine qui autrement seraient restées en repos, le froid & toutes les incommodites des voyages sur des mauvais homines en ne chout le monde a des telles entreprises qui sont fort utiles dans la guerre son des plusieurs maladies sauvage ainsi Je ne peux pas assez louer ces Personnes comme vous qui travaillent a tant des biens. Si je vous puis estre de quelque utilite dans ces sortes des choses je le ferai tres volonters & suis Vostre Mr. L’Abbe de St. Pierre.

Patient Details

Letter 3588

Hans Sloane to Brun – May 28. 1714.

Item info

Date: May 28. 1714.
Author: Hans Sloane
Recipient: Brun

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4068
Folio: f.90-91

Original Page


MonSr. May 28. 1714. Quoique la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire ait fait des grands detours & m’ait etre rendüe fort tard nean moins je vous demande pardon d’etre si tardif a vous repondre. Je vous assure ce ne pas faute d’estime, car tous les jours je me plains fort de ma porte en ce que je navais pas l’honneur de connaitre un homme du quel je pouvais tant profiter que peu de jours avant vostre depart & plus acause que je pouvais a laiser vous entretenir sur des choses naturelles notre[?] etude commune mais autoure que la poste est etablie J’en profiterai autant que je pourrai sans vous faire perdre beaucoup d’un temps que vous employer si bien. Je suis tres aise d’entendre que vous faites des collections de drogues & choses & quand elles seront mises en ordre avec leurs noms cela me fera fort aise mais elles sons encore en desordre. aussitot que mon second volume de histoire naturelle de la Jamaique sera publié je vous envoyerai des plantes Se celui[?] de ce pays la vous me ferez plaisir de m’envoyer celles de vostre. Je ferai bien aise aussi d’avoir un exemplaire de chaque hors curieux imprime chez vous pour perfectioner ma bibliotheque. A la premiers occasion que se presentera je vous envoyerai quelques uns de ceux qui sont publiez en latin icy. En attendant je vous envoys les memoires de lacademie des sciences d’icy a l’addresse de MonSr. Geoffroy dans lesquels vous pourrez voir quelqs chose quoique la pluspart soit en anglais. Je vis dans le peu de temps que j’eus l’honneur d’etre avec vous vostre profond d’y[?] avoir sur toutes Sortes des sujets & vous ma pouvez a cette egard croire que je ferai toujours ravi de trouver occasion de vous temoigner que je suis fort Sincerement Vostre MonSr. Le Brun

Patient Details

Letter 3604

de Cheuessaille to Hans Sloane – May 4, 1729

Item info

Date: May 4, 1729
Author: de Cheuessaille
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4050
Folio: ff. 104-105

Original Page


Cheuessaille was honoured to receive Sloane’s letter. He relays that he is trained in mathematics and has published several short dissertations. He is contemplating a practical method for establishing the longitude between two meridians and makes several comments on the subject.

Patient Details

Letter 3617

Johann Georg Steigertahl to Hans Sloane – June 3, 1729

Item info

Date: June 3, 1729
Author: Johann Georg Steigertahl
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4050
Folio: ff. 123-124

Original Page


Steigertahl was sad to hear the news of John Gaspar Scheuchzer’s death. The latter was Sloane’s librarian. Steigertahl asks for a work on smallpox inoculation Scheuchzer was going to send by Mr Jäger. He is grateful for the gifts of chocolate and Madeira wine, which were to his wife’s taste. Steigertahl discusses the dividend he is to receive and the banking forms that needed to be prepared before he can collect it. Monsieur de Mansberg and his father-in-law Monsieur d’Hattorf send their compliments. The latter is supposed to arrive in Hanover soon. The King arrived in Holland in May and is to leave for Hanover soon. Dr Goebel, ‘Professeur en Droit à Helmstadt’, is going to print the work of the late ‘Hermannus Couringius’ in four volumes. Johann Georg Steigertahl (1666-1740) was the personal physician to George I of England. He was a member of the Royal Society and secured the purchase of Engelbert Kaempfer’s collection of East Asian curiosities for Sir Hans Sloane in 1723 (

Patient Details

Letter 3193

Philip Henry Zollman to Hans Sloane – August 25, 1725

Item info

Date: August 25, 1725
Author: Philip Henry Zollman
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4048
Folio: ff. 49-50

Original Page


[fol. 49] Stockholm 25th August 1725. O.S. Sir, On the 28th of May I was honoured with your kind letter of the 30th of April. The inclosed list of Books and Dissertations I left with Dr Benzelius when I was lately at Upsal, who promised to get as many of them as possible, which offer will be much for your service, because the Dissertations are hardly to be met with here, except now and then straggling in Auctions, and tacked to others of little or no value. In the mean time I am looking out for what is to be had here, which I shall send when opportunity offers. Dr Roberg at Upsal gave me, when I was there, the enclosed four Dissertations: 1. De Pernionibus. 2. Ossa tuberosa. 3. De pede marcescente et indurato. 4. De metallo Danemorensi, some of which I find in your List. I was surprised to hear that Rudbeckii Hortus Botanicus was not in the last Parcel I sent by Mr Brighter the Messenger. The Packet indeed was not sealed up, which I omitted on purpose in order to his untying and dividing it, if it should prove too bulky in his valise. But I am positive I put it up with the rest, nor can I find it among my Books here, so that I almost believe it was only overlooked at first, being but so small a size. However I have met with another and hereby send it. If you have since found the first, I beg you will let Dr Sherard have this, if he has not got one yet. I had lately a Letter from him in which he appears very desirous of Till-land’s Planta Aboensis, a Book which he says he never was master of. I have got that likewise, but as it is marked in your first List which I took with me from London, I send it to you, till I can find another, which must be by mere chance, for it is very scarce. M. Norborg who was formerly Minister to the Swedish Church in Ratclif Highway, having helped me to it, has desired to carry it, that he might have the honour to wait on you with it himself. He sails in a few days for London, to take leave of his Congregation there, being now otherwise provided for in his native Country. He assures me there are no Bibles printed in the Lapponian tongue, for this reason I lately bought a Prayer Book or Liturgy in that Language, in which two leaves being tore out, I shall keep the Book Fol. 50 till I meet with another to supply that defect. We have had for a long time no Auctions here, and the many Messengers that have gone backwards and forwards between this Place and London and Hanover, have afforded a good deal of business for me, so that I have not had sufficient leisure for discharging so soon as I could have wished the Commissions you have honoured me with. But the Auctions have begun again, and Dr Benzelius will be here sometime next month, so that by these helps I shall be betters able to answer your desires, & opportunities will not be wanting to send what I meet with. This will be delivered to you with a Letter and a Packet from Dr Benzelius, which he sent me lately from Upsal. I beg leave to assure Dr Scheuchzer of my respects, and to wish him good success in his work on Kampfer’s Japan. I am with the profoundest Veneration Sir your most humble and obedient servant P.H. Zollman P.S. M. Norborg is now with me, and I have persuaded him to let me send Planta Aboensis in this Packet. He intends however to wait at you at London.

Philip Henry Zollman (c. 1680-1748) was the Royal Society’s first Assistant Secretary for Foreign Correspondence, a post he assumed in 1723. He first landed in England in 1714, was trained in several foreign languages, and regularly corresponded with Leibniz (Derek Massarell, ‘Philip Henry Zollman, the Royal Society’s First Assistant Secretary for Foreign Correspondence’, Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 46, no. 2 (1992), 219-234).

Patient Details

Letter 3170

Johann Georg Steigertahl to Hans Sloane – July 2, 1725

Item info

Date: July 2, 1725
Author: Johann Georg Steigertahl
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4048
Folio: ff. 13-14

Original Page


The King arrived at Herrenhausen in good health eight days ago. In two days Steigertahl will be leaving for Pyrmont to take the waters. He requests that Sloane write to him on medical matters. Mr Brindley has sent books to Mr Jäger, which have to be paid for since Steigertahl’s son forgot to pay for them. He thanks Sloane for the Madeira wine and books. The Duke of York and Prince Frederick send their compliments for the books Sloane sent them. Mrs Steigertahl wishes Sloane well. Steigertahl bid farewell to Mr Scheuchzer. Johann Georg Steigertahl (1666-1740) was the personal physician to George I of England. He was a member of the Royal Society and secured the purchase of Engelbert Kaempfer’s collection of East Asian curiosities for Sir Hans Sloane in 1723 (

Patient Details

Letter 3909

Hans Sloane to Jean-Paul Bignon – 31 Mai 1731

Item info

Date: 31 Mai 1731
Author: Hans Sloane
Recipient: Jean-Paul Bignon

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4068
Folio: f. 175

Original Page


MonSeigneur! Je me fais l’honneur de vous envoier le deux catalogues des livres publier icy les deux mois precedents qui suivent ceux que je vous ai envoyè il y a quelque temps. Les experiments de l’Electricité de quelques corps & de leurs actions a plusieurs centaines de pieds de distance dont j’ai fait mention dans une de mes lettres, on étè faites devant une grande assemblée de la Societè Royale. Tout le monde en estait étonnè. Comme ils seront bien publieès dans nos Transactions Philosophiques vous y verrez le maniere de proceder, par la quelle cette marveilleuse action peut être demontrée[?] Je suis 31 Mai. 1731. V.S. Abbe Bignon

Patient Details