August Sigmund Frobenius

August Sigmund Frobenius wrote letter 4205 to Sloane to thank him for several favours Sloane had given to him previously, and requests Sloane’s help in raising money to travel. He was a German-born scientist who worked in the laboratory of Ambrose Godfrey Hanckewitz, and produced ether.

He had an article published in 1729 on the subject of ether. It was titled “An Account of a Spiritus Vini Æthereus, Together with Several Experiments Triedand was published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, the Royal Society’s scientific journal. He joined the Royal Society in 1730 but apart from these details not much is known about his life, including the date of his death which has been put at 1741, 42, and 43 in different sources.



August Sigmund Frobenius to Hans Sloane, 1734-09-Monday, Sloane MS 4053, f. 266, British Library, London.

August Sigmund Frobenius, Wikipedia, [, accessed 17/08/2017]

August Sigmund Frobenius, Fellow Details, The Royal Society, [, accessed 17/08/2017]

Dates: to

Occupation: Unknown

Relationship to Sloane: Virtual International Authority File: