John Chandler

John Chandler, (1699/1700-1780), was a fellow of the Royal Society from 1935 until his death in 1980. He wrote to Sloane to offer his services and to arrange a visit between Sloane, him, and one of Chandler’s good friends. An apothecary, he was partners with Smith and Newsom at the corner of King Street and Cheapside, London. He published on finding a cure for Small Pox and read papers to the Royal Society.



John Chandler to Hans Sloane, 1734-10-22, Sloane MS 4053, f. 297, British Library, London.

John Chandler, Fellow Records, The Royal Society, [,%20John%27%29, accessed 18/08/17]

Dates: to

Occupation: Unknown

Relationship to Sloane: Virtual International Authority File: