Littleton Brown

Littleton Brown is the hypothesized identity of an unknown acquaintance of JJ Dillenius mentioned in letter 4202. This Brown wishes to meet Sloane and Dillenius writes that he is “at Mr Bateman’s in Soho Square”.

Littleton Brown was fellow of the Royal Society from 1730 – 1748. Both Dillenius and J.G. Scheuchzer, the author and recipient of Letter 4202 – MS 4066, were in the Royal Society at the same time as him between 1730-1733. 



Letter 4202, JJ Dillenius to J.G. Scheuchzer, Unknown-06-02, Sloane MS 4066, f. 325, British Library, London.

Littleton Brown, The Royal Society, [, accessed 17/08/2017]

Dates: to

Occupation: Unknown

Relationship to Sloane: Virtual International Authority File: