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Letter 3834

Denis Perronet to Hans Sloane – October 28, 1730

Item info

Date: October 28, 1730
Author: Denis Perronet
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: ff. 127-130

Original Page


Perronet sends a Chinese botanical manuscript. He learned a new method of painting in Italy.

Patient Details

Letter 3847

Johann Georg Steigertahl to Hans Sloane – December 22, 1730

Item info

Date: December 22, 1730
Author: Johann Georg Steigertahl
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: f. 150

Original Page


Steigertahl learned of a proposal seeking to establish a medical society in Nuremberg. Heister has published a catalogue of plants from the garden at Helmstadt. Steigertahl thanks Sloane for sending the Philosophical Transactions with Jäger. He praises Sloane’s Presidency of the Royal Society. Steigertahl’s wife is in good health. Johann Georg Steigertahl (1666-1740) was the personal physician to George I of England. He was a member of the Royal Society and secured the purchase of Engelbert Kaempfer’s collection of East Asian curiosities for Sir Hans Sloane in 1723 (

Patient Details

Letter 3858

Michelangelo Tilli to Hans Sloane – January 14, 1731

Item info

Date: January 14, 1731
Author: Michelangelo Tilli
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: f. 170

Original Page


Michelangelo Tilli (1655-1740) was an Italian physician and botanist. He became Professor of Botany and Director of the Botanical Garden of Pisa in 1685. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1708 (

Patient Details

Letter 3916

Hans Sloane to Sauveur-François Morand – 9 d'Aout 1731

Item info

Date: 9 d'Aout 1731
Author: Hans Sloane
Recipient: Sauveur-François Morand

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4068
Folio: f. 185

Original Page


Monsieur, Jai recu les volumes des memoires de l’A. R. S. avec les autres pieces que vous specifier dans la votre du 9e. Juin, et rens mes tres humbles remercimens. A l’egard du femur dont vous m’avez envoié le Dessein par mr. Condoydi, a qui je l’ai rendu, je ne veux pas determiner positivement, a quell animal il appartenait mais il me parait probable que cest le femur d’un Elephant. Ce Monsr m’a montré aussi un grosse substance osseuse un peu arrondie, que je crois etre ce que les Naturalistes appellent Lacryma Elephanti. C’est une substance de la nature du dens exertus de l’elephant; et peutetre la nature toutes[?] pris cette figure par quelque blessure ou maladie de l’os Si vous aurez quelque chose a m’ordonner a Londres ne mépargnez pas, je vous prie: puisque je me fais plaisir d’etre tres sincerement Le 9e d’aout 1731 A Monsr Morand &e a Paris

Patient Details

Letter 3948

Mr. Dickenson to Dr. Plucknet –

Item info

Author: Mr. Dickenson
Recipient: Dr. Plucknet

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 319-320

Original Page


Worthy Sr: I received your letter, and should be glad if I could be so happy as to contribute any thing towards the resolving that mighty Controversy (as you call it) amongst Botonoyrapheus in order to which I have made the most diligent search, in that Ditch from whence the Captain brought a leaf of that plant, & which your self thought you saw it, but could find nothing there but water Parsnip, & water Hemlock, which makes me think that that which you suppose to be Henanthe was one of those, I could not be mistaken in thiss, for though there may be some kind of lileniss in ye leaf setneen water parsnip, & water Dropwort, yet there is none at all in ye tops, or flowers. for this water parsnip was in ye top life to an = ordinary garden parsnip. I took these plants up by ye roots, & found them to be no other than water parsnips, & water = Hemlocks, the staffs of which are a thick hollow trunk which arises from ye bottom of ye water, from whose [iomts?] there are many strings which fasten it to the mud, but could discern no bulbous, strumous, or protuberating roots, or tendons with = oval pindents, at ye ends of them, or any thing life them. This is all ye account that I can give you of ye plant. I hope I may be excused for not finding that which you say ye most learned virtuosoes will not allow to have any being in ye province of Nature. And should I have found it, it would have been as hard to have found any = Medicinal quality, or use it hath in ye [monol?] [Probinse?] of Physick, but I forget my self, not considering that Virtuosoes [routent] themselves in speculation only begging your pardon for this freeness I rest. your friend & servant to his power Mr: Dickenson

Mr. Dickenson writes to Dr. Plucknet to inform him of his findings regarding the identification of a specific plant that Dr. Plucknet previously consulted him on. Dickenson informs Plucknet that he was unable to match the particular plant specimen to any plants in the location where Plucknet originally saw it. Dickenson informs Plucknet that the only plants he located in the area were water parsnips and water hemlocks. Dickenson apologies for failing to provide Plucknet with a positive identification on the plant.

Patient Details

Letter 4081

Joseph Miller to Phillip Miller – Octob 4th 1743

Item info

Date: Octob 4th 1743
Author: Joseph Miller
Recipient: Phillip Miller

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 129-130

Original Page


Joseph Miller describes a species of ants to Philip Miller. At the end of the letter Joseph states: “Mr Dandridge gives his humble service to Sir Hans & would be glad to do any thing to oblige him pray give my Duty to Sir Hans and accept of my service to your self[.]” (Letter is faded – portions of text are illegible

Patient Details

Letter 4187

Johann Jakob Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane – November 10, 1727

Item info

Date: November 10, 1727
Author: Johann Jakob Scheuchzer
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4049
Folio: f. 61

Original Page


Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (1672-1733) was a Swiss scholar and physician. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1703 and his work was published in the Philosophical Transactions. In 1708 his Itinera aplina tira was published in London. It was dedicated to the Royal Society. His largest project was the Itinera per Helvetiae alpines regions facta annis 1702-1711, dedicated to his travels and published in four volumes in 1723 at Leiden (

Patient Details

Letter 4188

Johann Jakob Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane – November 24, 1727

Item info

Date: November 24, 1727
Author: Johann Jakob Scheuchzer
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4049
Folio: f. 65

Original Page


Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (1672-1733) was a Swiss scholar and physician. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1703 and his work was published in the Philosophical Transactions. In 1708 his Itinera aplina tira was published in London. It was dedicated to the Royal Society. His largest project was the Itinera per Helvetiae alpines regions facta annis 1702-1711, dedicated to his travels and published in four volumes in 1723 at Leiden (

Patient Details

Letter 4235

Rosindale Lloyd to Pettiver –

Item info

Author: Rosindale Lloyd
Recipient: Pettiver

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 384

Original Page


To Mr Pettiver [RS?] att ye stile & [Mortar?] Aldersgate Street

There is no letter attached to envelope. A Payd Peny Post stamp appears on the envelope but half of it is cut of: PAYD PE.. T – Author: Rosindale Lloyd, of Wrexham, county Denbighshire (‘James Petiver, FRS Apothecary to the Charter-House: Miscellaneous correspondence’ British Library [ =true&doc=IAMS040-002116460&displayMode=full&dstmp=1432649891937&vid=IAMS_ VU2&ct=display&tabs=detailsTab&fromLogin=true&fromLogin=true, accessed 10 August 2015]).

Patient Details

Letter 4245

Martin Hartopp to W. Petiver – Oct: 10th

Item info

Date: Oct: 10th
Author: Martin Hartopp
Recipient: W. Petiver

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 367

Original Page


Sr. I fancy you cant be far from the time you may take your degree [?] I don’t say this as if I would have you take it sooner then you have a mind but becaus we shall shortly have an Section and I doubt not to […] that Interest with the Warden as to make you a fellow if you want a ….e or soe you may procure a disersation upon any I have account keep this in secret and wright me your thoughts for I believe I can procur the prolonging the time if it will serve you ….. Oct: 10th Martin Hartopp

Martin Hartopp discusses the Royal Society with W. Petiver. Martin Hartopp, MB, of Leicester; Fellow of Merton College, Oxford (‘James Petiver, FRS Apothecary to the Charter-House: Miscellaneous correspondence’ British Library [ =true&doc=IAMS040-002116460&displayMode=full&dstmp=1432649891937&vid=IAMS_ VU2&ct=display&tabs=detailsTab&fromLogin=true&fromLogin=true, accessed 12 August 2015]).

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