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Letter 3180

George Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax to Hans Sloane – July 17, 1725

Item info

Date: July 17, 1725
Author: George Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4048
Folio: f. 27

Original Page


[fol. 27] July ye 17:th 1725 Sr I am very much oblieged you for ye book you are so kind to send me. When I come to Town I will do myself ye honour to wait on you to thank you for it. I am Sr Your obedient humble servant Halifax

George Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax (ca. 1683-1739) was a British politician. From 1705 to 1715 he was MP for Northampton and served, at various times, as Auditor of the Exchequer, Privy Councillor, and Lord Justice (,_1st_Earl_of_Halifax).

Patient Details

Letter 3892

Hans Sloane to Unknown – 2[?] Avril 1729

Item info

Date: 2[?] Avril 1729
Author: Hans Sloane
Recipient: Unknown

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4068
Folio: f. 152-153

Original Page


Monsieur, J’ai recu l’honneur de votre Lettre avec le present que vous avez bien voulu me faire par les mains de Monsieur Scheuchzer aussi bien qu’une Lettre et Pacquet des Livres de son Pere que vous lui avez envoyé depuis peu. Nous l’avons perdû par une Fievre dont tout le monde est faché à cause de son èrudition. Je vous rends graces de votre present, & Espere[?] que vous avez receu par les mains de M. Fuller deux Livres de plantes curieusement definées, que je vous prie d’accepter. Je vous ai envoié aussi des—Oyseaux peints au naturel et dés que les autres Plantes seront archivées je vous les envoyerai. Toutes les fois que vous sohaitterez d’avoir quelque chose d’ici, je vous prie de me le faire scavoir, comme vous aviez accoutumé de faire à Monsieur Scheuchzer, et je me ferai un sensible plaisir de vous servir a fin de Vous temoigner de plus en plus le Cas que je fais de votre Correspondance, et la parfaite Estime avec laquelle j’ai l’honneur d’être, Monsieur, Votre tres humble et tres obeisant Serviteur A Londres ce 2[?] d’Avril 1729.

Patient Details

Letter 3814

Samuel Buckley to Hans Sloane – September 16, 1730

Item info

Date: September 16, 1730
Author: Samuel Buckley
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: f. 104

Original Page


Buckley returns two books lent by Sloane. He comments on their contents and asks whether Sloane’s medal of Louis XII has a date on it.

Patient Details

Letter 3828

John Eade to Hans Sloane – October 3, 1730

Item info

Date: October 3, 1730
Author: John Eade
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: f. 117

Original Page


[fol. 117] Sr. EN. 9 As my son had always pleased me, I am very solicitous to do all I can for him. The Next presentation to Chelsey was as Thought of my Own, & knowing S’r hans’s potency there was Resolv’d to presume to Wait upon him, to Offer my Son, & you was so kind as to say, you would take it into your Consideration. I make bold to say that he is a Minister fit for that Great & Genteel Congregation, he being in my Judgm’t a very Useful & Beneficial preacher. I have been very Liberal in his Education, & he has spent his Time well. he is ab’t 11 years standing, of Queens, Cambridge, of a Clear Reputation there, a Ma’r of Arts, ab’t 30 years of age: made Deacon & priest by the Bp of London 3 years agoe. he preacht ab’t a year for Doct’r hudson at his Chapel in Queens square in the park, & since in many of the great Churches in London. You will be pleas’d to Excuse me S’r since I Give him his just Charact’r to Recommend him to yr favour, that he is a person of Sobriety, & good Life, & will show, & Teach ye people the Way to heaven, where ‘ere he is placed. I have done a Great deal for him, & am ready to do more, what you may require of me, shou’d be Glad to know yr mind, in order to Compleat his happiness, & ours, wch is now in S’r hans pow’r to do. I beg leave to subscribe my self, Sr Yo’r most obed’t humble serv’t John Eade St Martins Lane Octo’r. 3. 1730

Eade asks for a recommendation for his son.

Patient Details

Letter 3836

Henry Morton to Hans Sloane – November 23, 1730

Item info

Date: November 23, 1730
Author: Henry Morton
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: ff. 133-134

Original Page


[fol. 133] Oxendon Nov’r, 23. 1730 S’r I receiv’d yours but not till lately being absent from home. So I hope you will excuse my not answering it sooner. I am very well satisfy’d with what you offer for ye Collection and desire you to accept of ye order that I have given to Walter Corbett of Harborough Apothecary to receive ye Money of you himself or by his friend. I think myself much obliged to yo S’r for ye Respect you shew to my Father, And in order to let you know what additions he intended to his History, have sent you a coppy of some Memorandums which he left with me at his death with relation to them, which I think will give you better information then I can any otherways. They are as follows. As to my Manuscripts relation to natural history & antiquities, ye former as at present are of no great use, ye latter, particularly yt in quarto, entitled ye ancient flute of northamptonshire &c. I place a great value upon as being ye fruit of much labour, And so far approved by ye late Bishop of Peterborough, yt he has both personally & by Letter desired me to publish it. Further I do think it will be really serviceable & gratefull to ye world, but then yt shoud be at ye End of a second edition of my history. For which purpose it is only necessary yt that begining of ye third part which is to be found in yt Manuscript be wholly omitted, for I now find it is impossible to publish yt third part with sufficient exactness: Nor indeed was it published, woud it be of yt use as I at first thought. This being done it is requisite ye title shoud be changed; And I think it will fitly bear ye Title, Remarks upon yt part of doomsday book relating to Northamptonshire, with an Explication of ye Names of ye places here in Mention’d. Then to render a second edition of my natural History yet more compleat, I desire ye exemplar of it now by me wherein I have written Emendations & improvements of yt work may be imparted to my Booksellers, Wilkins & Knaplock, that they may reprint ye same from thence. Both ye History here mention’d and ye Manuscripts I have by me And with your permission will send them to you. And desire, if you please to give your self ye trouble, yt you woud peruse ’em, & make what alterations and amendments you think propper in order for yr being printed according to my Fathers desire. If you please S’r to let me know your mind, as to ys matter and I will act accordingly. I am S’r your most obliged and most obedient humble servant H: Morton

Henry Morton was the son of Reverend J. Morton of Great Oxendon.

Patient Details

Letter 3838

Caleb Lowdham to Hans Sloane – November 25, 1730

Item info

Date: November 25, 1730
Author: Caleb Lowdham
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: ff. 136-137

Original Page


[fol. 137] Excester in Devonsh: Nov. 25. 1730 Hon’d S’r I hope ye communicative Genius will excuse the freedom of beging ye Opinion ab’t a shield; Whether they are all more or less Curv’d towards the person that bears it as I have often observed in Coins & other figures, or Whether some may have the concave hold towards ye Enemy; as this Clypous or Parma (w’ch I met with at Smith’s shop in a sea-port-town near this place) seems to indicate as much (perhaps it may be Spanish, but cannot guess at it’s Age) it is ab’t 12 Inch: diam: whose convex is cover’d with Leather, & where is the remains of a Manubrium for the Sctuifer to take hold of the concave is 2 Inches, and ye Unbo wch is 4 Inch: diam: & hollow, on it’s top is a piece of solid Brass 1/2 Inch thick, wch exceeds ye Cavity by 2 Inches more, & probably a point or Dart on ye top of it, wch seems broken off that may be some Inches longer; there are 60 plates of Iron from the Umbo to ye Circumference, & 9 Circular ones, wch are fastned together by 60 Nails in each Circle where the plates intersect, whose heads are all as round as Pease, of the smaller size, but in ye other Circle ye Nails touch each other, & are in Number 150 from whence I conclude that from ye Nails, Umbo, &c. that ye concave part was held outward, wch makes this Armour Offensive as well as Defensive, however shall be determined by ye greater Judgem’t if you please to fav’r me with a Line, shall take it as an hon’r done to ye very humble ser’t Caleb Lowdham

Lowdham describes a shield.

Patient Details

Letter 3845

John Barlow to Hans Sloane – December 17, 1730

Item info

Date: December 17, 1730
Author: John Barlow
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: ff. 146-147

Original Page


[fol. 146] Manchester Decemb. ye. 17th. 1730. Sr. Some Months ago I ordered my correspondent at London to deliver unto you a small Parcel, containing a few petrified snails: also a letter concerning them, and the Fever epidemical in our Country; to wh, if come to your hands, two or three lines of an answer would be highly acceptable to Your very humb. servant John Barlow. My directions are For Dtr. Barlow in Manchester. Lancashire

Barlow sends a box of petrified snails.

John Barlow was a physician.

Patient Details

Letter 3861

A. Williamson to Hans Sloane – January 19, 1730/31

Item info

Date: January 19, 1730/31
Author: A. Williamson
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: f. 175

Original Page


The Duke of Newcastle told Williamson that His Majesty will allow Sloane to see Mr Kelly, who is sick. He will inform Drs Harvey and Brown when Sloane plans on coming. Colonel A. Williamson was Deputy Governor of the Tower of London.

Patient Details

Letter 3866

Hans Sloane to Antoine de Jussieu – 30 Juillet. 1717.

Item info

Date: 30 Juillet. 1717.
Author: Hans Sloane
Recipient: Antoine de Jussieu

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4068
Folio: f.135

Original Page


Monsr de Jussieu J’ay remis a Monsr. Pajot d’O Gembray un pacquet de Semences pour vous, qui m’ont ete mises entre les mains par Monsr. Miller qui est revenu depuis peu de la Holland charge d’une cargaison de Plantes. Je n’ay pas voulu negliger de vous endonner aus[?], & de vous annoncer en mesme temps votre election pour membre de notre Sociéte Royale, dont Je vous felicite de tres mon coeur. Je continue avec beaucoup d’estime le 30 Juillet. 1717. Le caise[?] que vous aveZ eu la bontè de nous envoyer commence a possesser. AyeZ la bontè d’assurer de mes respects Mrs Ray[?] & Mr. votre frere. A MonSr Jussieu

Patient Details

Letter 3885

William Burton to Hans Sloane – March 11, 1730/31

Item info

Date: March 11, 1730/31
Author: William Burton
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: ff. 207-208

Original Page


Burton waited on Sloane, but was informed it was not a good time. His wife and brother prevented him from coming a second time. Burton hopes to ask Sloane for some advice. Sloane can reach Burton through Dr Mortimer. William Burton was a physician.

Patient Details