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Browne Langrish

Browne Langrish (d. 1759) was a physician and medical author. In 1734 he became an extra licentiate of the College of Physicians and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. Langrish published works on general physic, stones, and smallpox


Dates: to

Occupation: Unknown

Relationship to Sloane: Virtual International Authority File:

Peregrine Hyde Osborne

Peregrine Hyde (Osborne), Marquess of Carmarthen 1712-1729, when he became the 3rd Duke of Leeds. He married his third wife, Juliana, in 1725.

Peregrine Hyde Osborne, 3rd Duke of Leeds was referred to as Marquess Carmarthen or Lord Carmarthen at the time.



The Complete Peerage, vol. 7, p. 513

Dates: to


Relationship to Sloane: Virtual International Authority File:

Letter 4435

Samuel Brewer to Hans Sloane –

Item info

Author: Samuel Brewer
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4054
Folio: f. 17

Original Page


Brewer has sent via Mr. Richardson the figures of the plants undermentioned had they been duplicated the plants themselves had waited upon Sloane and he hopes they will be auspitable to him for their oddness & uncommonness. Mr. Richardson will inform Sloane who have compared the figures. He goes on to list 5 plants on the front of the letter and 10 on the back with their latin names and a description of where some were found. P.S. He desires, if Sloane think proper to cal Mr. Miller Mr Marlyn Mr Rand & Mr. Collessen

Patient Details

Letter 4521

Claude Joseph Geoffroy to Hans Sloane – July 10, 1732

Item info

Date: July 10, 1732
Author: Claude Joseph Geoffroy
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: ff. 144-145

Original Page


Sloane should have received ‘le Codex de Pharmacie’ by the last post. Geoffroy received two medals from London. Claude Joseph Geoffroy (1685-1752) was a chemist, apothecary, botanist, and member of both l’Academie des sciences and Royal Society. His brother was the clergyman and librarian to Louis XIV Etienne Francois Geoffroy (

Patient Details

Letter 4448

Jean-Paul Bignon to Hans Sloane – March 8, 1732

Item info

Date: March 8, 1732
Author: Jean-Paul Bignon
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: ff. 83-84

Original Page


Abbé Bignon thanks Sloane for his letter and sending ‘les sept collections philosophiques du Docteur hook, les memoires hebdomadaires de M. Beaumont, le commentariolum Britannicae descriptionis’, the latest ‘Monthy-Catalogues’, and the Philosophical Transactions for the Bibliothèque du Roi. Monsieur de Chammorel will relay Bignon’s concerns to Sloane. Jean-Paul Bignon (1662-1743) was a clergyman, librarian to Louis XIV, member of the Academie francaise, and mentor of Joseph Pitton de Tournefort (

Patient Details

Letter 4452

William Holmes to Hans Sloane – June 4 1735

Item info

Date: June 4 1735
Author: William Holmes
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4054
Folio: f. 51

Original Page


Sr. Dr. Shaw communicated to me your letter in which I filed ye University qusally obliged to you for yr generous instructions to our library and Museum, for which I desire you to accept the most humble and sincere acknowledgements. I hope for ye honour of waiting on you in town next week, but in ye mean time, thought its my duty to acquaint you how sousible we are of ye much obligations you are confonning on us and with how much respects, I am particularly Sr, yr most obliged humble serv.t W. Holmes Oxon. June 4.1735

Patient Details

Letter 4462

William Burton to Hans Sloane – April 12/16, 1732

Item info

Date: April 12/16, 1732
Author: William Burton
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: f. 96

Original Page


Burton recommends a patient to Sloane. William Burton was a physician.

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A Unnamed Lady
  • Description

    Burton was called to see 'the Lady the Bearer', who is 'subject to frequent hysterical Convulsions' and pulses. He believes her condition came about after undertaking 'a regimen she had been recommended to for the benefit of her Eyes viz repeated phlebotomy & Catharticks continued eight months'. The treatment weakened her constitution. Burton 'attended her, and her strength is pretty well recovrd'. Her eyes are still in poor shape. Burton does not know 'Whether it be an hysterick or a Rheumatick affecting of this organ [the eye]'. The patient's vision is obscured and she is in pain.

  • Diagnosis

    Convulsions; pulses; eyes; hemorrhoids; weakness; rheumatism; pain.

  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:

    Burton blistered her and gave her a 'Bolus's of Cons: Anth: Cinnab: Antim: Castor: Rad: Valer: Sylo: philo: Visc: querc:'

    Ongoing Treatment:

    By 16 April the patient developed 'frequent itching, cutaneous Tubercles in various parts of the Body'. She was given 'Diaphoreticks were used till the sympton almost disappear'd and then an Enema'. Burton claims that 'The former seem'd necessary to obviate the Complaint of painfull Haemorrhoids'. The latter have subsided since 'the Disorder of her Eyes first seized her [...] This Cutaneous Eruption was attended with Considerable releif to the Eyes'.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Convulsions, Eyes, Haemorrhoids, Weakness, Rheumatism, Pulse, Pain

Letter 4470

Henry Newman to Hans Sloane – 14.May.1735

Item info

Date: 14.May.1735
Author: Henry Newman
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4054
Folio: f. 41

Original Page


Lewis Way W. a Director of the So.Sea Company having been propos’d to the Society for a Subscribing Member, I am order’d as their Rules require to desire you would be pleas’d to signify his character as to his being well affected to the Government in Church and State, of an humble peaceable and charitable Disposition. I am Honoured Sr. yr. most Obedient humble Servant Henry Newman Bartlet’s Buildings 14.May.1735 Sir Hans Sloane Bar.t

Patient Details

Letter 4477

Richard Towne to Hans Sloane – April 30, 1732

Item info

Date: April 30, 1732
Author: Richard Towne
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: f. 105

Original Page


[fol. 105] Honrd Sir I gladly take this Opportunity to thank you for ye many Instances of your Favour & Kindness to me. The Disproportion there is between your station in Life & mine, renders all Returns impossible but such as are the result of a gratefull Heart & a warm Acknowledgment. The Gentleman who has the Honr to deliver this to you, has been very conversant with ye Practice of Physick upon ye Coast of Guinea, & is by much the most qualify’d of any Person I have ever met with to satisfie such Enquiries as you may think proper to make in Relation to that Country. I know Sir cannot do a more acceptable Action than by affording you an Occasion of informing yourself (if there be any thing yet remaining you are uniform’d of) in Matters regarding natural knowledge. I am now preparing a second Edition of my Treatise on the the [sic] Diseases in these Parts. It has cost me a good deal of Pains & Observation & as it will be much larger & more compleat than ye former. I hope it will the better merit your Acceptance. I have had the misfortune to loose ye first Vol. of your Natural History of Jamaica, & know not how to repair a Loss I so much lament, unless it be Sir from your self. for they write me from England that it is not to be procur’d upon any terms among ye Booksellers. your Goodness, I know, will pardon this Freedom from one who highly honours you & who is proud of nothing so much as ye Liberty of declaring Himself Sir yr. most obedient humble servt. Richd Towne Barbados Apl. 30. 1732

Richard Towne was a physician.

Patient Details