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Letter 4405

Thomas Shaw to Hans Sloane – Feb. 6. 1734-5

Item info

Date: Feb. 6. 1734-5
Author: Thomas Shaw
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4054
Folio: f. 2

Original Page


Shaw hopes Sloane received his letter from Winchester and that the BP. of London sent him the analysis of Heads of Shaw’s book which Shaw had left when he was last there and told him to send it to Sloane when he had finished perusing it. Shaw had prepared extracts that he sent out of the old Geographers to prefix his observations. He mentions some quotations from Ptolemy and others. Shaw asks Sloane for his corrections and improvements. He plans on coming to town to shut up his subscription hopefully at the beginning of next month when he shall with great pleasure wait upon Sloane.

Patient Details

Letter 4427

Thomas Dereham to Hans Sloane – ye 30th July 1734

Item info

Date: ye 30th July 1734
Author: Thomas Dereham
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4054
Folio: f. 80

Original Page


ye 30th July 1734 Sir By my last which I hope you have duely received I did my self the honour to send you a draught, & a description of a naturall curiositie, which is now gone about Italy to make a show, & if the Beast can live out of its element in this hott weather & is another prodigie. Here enclosed I recommend unto your kindness two letters to our secret of the Royall Society from Monsiye. Legiotti, & Abbos Revillas with there thanks for having been admitted Members of our society, & I believe will be both very usefull since the death of the famous Dr. Cirillo, whose sett of Transactions that I lately received with mine, returing you many thanks, I have sent to Naples with the letter from our socies for him to animale some other Philosopher to continue his observations, & impart them to me for the use of the society. As present I have nothing to acquaint you with, only crave of you the justice to believe me with the greatest esteem Sir your most Obedient & most humble Servant Thomas Dereham P.S. against the next injection of the Catalogue of the Members of the R.S. in stead of Dr. Le … Protti, it must be Dr. Lapcotti. be pleased to turn Just as I was going to seal up this your favour of ye 13th past comes to me, with an account that you had been pleased to cause to be deliverd unto Mr. Pucci two Philosophicall Transactions for my use published since the last I received from ye besides a most valuable present from Mr. Catesby Member of the Royall Society of his History of Carolina wrote, published, & couloured by him being the first Volume for which I entreat you to return him my most gratefull thanks, & you may ansure him that upon arrivall I shall impart it to my curious friends, & dont question to gett him many costomers. By this very post I charge Mr. Pucci to send me the above said things by some good shipp bound for Reghome, so if ought else there Should be to send me, you may take hold of this opportunity. I have sent the Transactions to Mr. Zannoth an Bologna, & you must know that Monsignor Lepcotti having learned the English is at work to continue the Translation of our Transactions, which I have brought up to the year 1730, & since that left them to translate the Book of Tables of Anbiens Coins Weights, & Measures which will be ready for the Press about November next.

Patient Details

Letter 4435

Samuel Brewer to Hans Sloane –

Item info

Author: Samuel Brewer
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4054
Folio: f. 17

Original Page


Brewer has sent via Mr. Richardson the figures of the plants undermentioned had they been duplicated the plants themselves had waited upon Sloane and he hopes they will be auspitable to him for their oddness & uncommonness. Mr. Richardson will inform Sloane who have compared the figures. He goes on to list 5 plants on the front of the letter and 10 on the back with their latin names and a description of where some were found. P.S. He desires, if Sloane think proper to cal Mr. Miller Mr Marlyn Mr Rand & Mr. Collessen

Patient Details

Letter 4448

Jean-Paul Bignon to Hans Sloane – March 8, 1732

Item info

Date: March 8, 1732
Author: Jean-Paul Bignon
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: ff. 83-84

Original Page


Abbé Bignon thanks Sloane for his letter and sending ‘les sept collections philosophiques du Docteur hook, les memoires hebdomadaires de M. Beaumont, le commentariolum Britannicae descriptionis’, the latest ‘Monthy-Catalogues’, and the Philosophical Transactions for the Bibliothèque du Roi. Monsieur de Chammorel will relay Bignon’s concerns to Sloane. Jean-Paul Bignon (1662-1743) was a clergyman, librarian to Louis XIV, member of the Academie francaise, and mentor of Joseph Pitton de Tournefort (

Patient Details

Letter 4452

William Holmes to Hans Sloane – June 4 1735

Item info

Date: June 4 1735
Author: William Holmes
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4054
Folio: f. 51

Original Page


Sr. Dr. Shaw communicated to me your letter in which I filed ye University qusally obliged to you for yr generous instructions to our library and Museum, for which I desire you to accept the most humble and sincere acknowledgements. I hope for ye honour of waiting on you in town next week, but in ye mean time, thought its my duty to acquaint you how sousible we are of ye much obligations you are confonning on us and with how much respects, I am particularly Sr, yr most obliged humble serv.t W. Holmes Oxon. June 4.1735

Patient Details

Letter 4462

William Burton to Hans Sloane – April 12/16, 1732

Item info

Date: April 12/16, 1732
Author: William Burton
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: f. 96

Original Page


Burton recommends a patient to Sloane. William Burton was a physician.

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A Unnamed Lady
  • Description

    Burton was called to see 'the Lady the Bearer', who is 'subject to frequent hysterical Convulsions' and pulses. He believes her condition came about after undertaking 'a regimen she had been recommended to for the benefit of her Eyes viz repeated phlebotomy & Catharticks continued eight months'. The treatment weakened her constitution. Burton 'attended her, and her strength is pretty well recovrd'. Her eyes are still in poor shape. Burton does not know 'Whether it be an hysterick or a Rheumatick affecting of this organ [the eye]'. The patient's vision is obscured and she is in pain.

  • Diagnosis

    Convulsions; pulses; eyes; hemorrhoids; weakness; rheumatism; pain.

  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:

    Burton blistered her and gave her a 'Bolus's of Cons: Anth: Cinnab: Antim: Castor: Rad: Valer: Sylo: philo: Visc: querc:'

    Ongoing Treatment:

    By 16 April the patient developed 'frequent itching, cutaneous Tubercles in various parts of the Body'. She was given 'Diaphoreticks were used till the sympton almost disappear'd and then an Enema'. Burton claims that 'The former seem'd necessary to obviate the Complaint of painfull Haemorrhoids'. The latter have subsided since 'the Disorder of her Eyes first seized her [...] This Cutaneous Eruption was attended with Considerable releif to the Eyes'.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Convulsions, Eyes, Haemorrhoids, Weakness, Rheumatism, Pulse, Pain

Letter 4470

Henry Newman to Hans Sloane – 14.May.1735

Item info

Date: 14.May.1735
Author: Henry Newman
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4054
Folio: f. 41

Original Page


Lewis Way W. a Director of the So.Sea Company having been propos’d to the Society for a Subscribing Member, I am order’d as their Rules require to desire you would be pleas’d to signify his character as to his being well affected to the Government in Church and State, of an humble peaceable and charitable Disposition. I am Honoured Sr. yr. most Obedient humble Servant Henry Newman Bartlet’s Buildings 14.May.1735 Sir Hans Sloane Bar.t

Patient Details

Letter 4268

Johann Georg Steigertahl to Hans Sloane – May 22, 1731

Item info

Date: May 22, 1731
Author: Johann Georg Steigertahl
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: ff. 236-237

Original Page


Steigertahl received Sloane’s letter and the Philosophical Transactions. He read Mr Hales’ dissertation on the dissolution of stones. If the remedy can be made more effective it will be a boon for medical science. Mr Weidel sent a new book called ‘Institutiones juris natura et gentium methodo geometrica digesta’. A new domestic has started working for Mr Jäger, ‘l’Apoticaire de sa Majesté’. Steigertahl encloses everything that has come into his hands related to business from the ‘Messieurs les Medecins de Nuremburg’. Mrs Steigertahl sends her regards. Johann Georg Steigertahl (1666-1740) was the personal physician to George I of England. He was a member of the Royal Society and secured the purchase of Engelbert Kaempfer’s collection of East Asian curiosities for Sir Hans Sloane in 1723 (

Patient Details

Letter 4251

John Barlow to Hans Sloane – January 12, 1730/31

Item info

Date: January 12, 1730/31
Author: John Barlow
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: ff. 168-169

Original Page


Barlow received Sloane’s letter. He offers his service. Barlow writes that it was presumptuous of him to send the ‘description of our Epidem. fever’ and expect Sloane to review it. He requests that Sloane send it ‘to some competent Judge’ so it can be published soon, as ‘its Speedy publication might […] be of service to the Country’. John Barlow was a physician.

Patient Details

Letter 4484

Family Doctor to Hans Sloane – June ye 12th 1735

Item info

Date: June ye 12th 1735
Author: Family Doctor
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4054
Folio: f. 55

Original Page


Newmarket June ye 12th 1735 My Lord Duke of Somerset was not free from his cold when he left London, which was on the 23rd of May last, near three weeks ago, & since his grace has been here it has rather increased. This grace when he was in London & still continues coughing. most times Spitts a good deal of Flegm. At his first Coming here it was more Troublesome at night than Day, but, since his grace has taken asses milk which he has done every morning Early for 13 Days Past, the Cough has been more Violent in the morning from the Time of his Grace’s Rising. His Grace takes Portugal Snuff which seems to promote a good Evacuation for he finds ^still his Head Stuffed. His Grace has taken for about ten Days & does continue to take a spoonful from time to time of a mixture of Syrup, Syrup of Lemons but has not yet received much Benefit by it. These last three days His Grace finds the Coughing to Cause a little soreness within, occasional by the frequent Coughing His Grace’s Deafness also continues. it is not better but rather worse notwithstanding he does Continue two or three Drops of oyl of Vipers dropped on wool & then he puts it into both Ears all the Day. when He goes to Bed he takes it out & lyes all night without any thing in his Ears, untill He rises next morning. This is the present State of my Lord Duke’s Health. His Grace desires your opinion what he ought to do to get Rid of he Cold & recover his hearing for it does very much dispirit his Grace.

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A Charles Seymour, 6th Duke of Somerset
    Gender: Male
  • Description

    Seymour has a "Cold" that has him coughing and causing soreness which is worse at night and causes a lot of phlegm. He has also lost his hearing.

  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:
    Ongoing Treatment:

    Asses Milk in the morning for 13 days
    Portugal Snuff for evacuation
    Spoonful of Lemon Syrup occasionally
    Oil of Vipers on wool in his ears during the day (takes them out at night)

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Ears, Coughs, Phlegm