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Pierre Louis Maupertuis

Pierre Louis Maupertuis (1698-1759) was a French mathematician, philosopher, and man of letters. He was the Director of the Académie des Sciences and the first President of the Prussian Academy of Science at the invitation of Frederick the Great.


( [accessed 13 April 2017]).

Dates: to

Occupation: Unknown

Relationship to Sloane: Virtual International Authority File:

René Jacques Croissant de Garengeot

René Jacques Croissant de Garengeot (1688-1759) was a French surgeon. He was Surgeon-Major of the Régiment du Roy and the Physician-in-Ordinary of the Roi au Châtelet. Garengeot was a member of l’Académie de chirurgie de Paris and the Royal Society.


(é-Jacques_Croissant_de_Garengeot [accessed 13 April 2017]).

Dates: to

Occupation: Unknown

Relationship to Sloane: Virtual International Authority File:

David Ershine

David Erskine (1672-1745), 9th Earl of Buchan was invested as a Privy Counsellor in 1697 and held several other posts. He lost his appointments because of his opposition to the Acts of Union 1707.


Mosley, Charles, (ed) Burke’s Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke’s Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page 565.

Dates: to

Occupation: Unknown

Relationship to Sloane: Virtual International Authority File:

Jean Anisson

Jean Anisson (1642-1721) was the director of the Imprimerie royale du Louvre between 1691 and 1705.


Reference: accessed 27th February 2017

Dates: to

Occupation: Unknown

Relationship to Sloane: Virtual International Authority File:

Moise Pujolas

Moise Pujolas (d. 1729) was a Huguenot refugee and clergyman. He was naturalised in Britain in 1696. Pujolas served as Secretary to the General Assembly of the French Churches in London and Governor of the Hospital for Poor French Protestants in 1728

Reference: accessed 23rd February 2017.

Dates: to

Occupation: Unknown

Relationship to Sloane: Virtual International Authority File:

Letter 4032

Paul Jodrell to Hans Sloane – February 19, 1704/05

Item info

Date: February 19, 1704/05
Author: Paul Jodrell
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4040
Folio: f. 9

Original Page


Jodrell needs Sloane’s seal on a parcel. Paul Jodrell was a Clerk to the House of Commons.

Patient Details

Letter 4385

Joseph Hill to Hans Sloane – September 18, 1731

Item info

Date: September 18, 1731
Author: Joseph Hill
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: ff. 15-16

Original Page


[fol. 15] Sr The Master & Wardens desire the Favour of Your Company to Dine with Them at Their Hall on Thursday the 23d Instant by two of the Clock in the Afternoon being the Day appointed for Confirming the New Master &c Josp Hill Beadle Apothecarys Hall 18th Septr 1731

Joseph Hill was Beadle to The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries.

Patient Details

Letter 4290

Thomas Dereham to Hans Sloane – July 16, 1731

Item info

Date: July 16, 1731
Author: Thomas Dereham
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: ff. 272-273

Original Page


[fol. 272] ye. 16th. July 1731 Sir I hope you will have been able to fill up the number of the subscriptions for the Museum Florentinum which I have caused to be sent over to Mr. Pucci, & very shortly the first Volume will be published, & the second also will follow in a short time, & most of the designs of the whole work are done, so that as soon as engraven will successively appear, & I presume will prove one of the most magnificent setts of erudition that the World has yett seen. As to the Chinese Chronological Table I want to know whether you are quite rid of the trouble of it, by its having been all sold away, since that curious discovery of the darkness of the historie of that Nation, ought to have been very agreeable to all men of learning. Having gott some further accounts, & philosophical Observations upon the strange Phenomenon that happned about four months agoe at Casena, whereof I gave you the first news that I received, I have thought it might be very acceptable to you to be thoroughly informed of the matter to lay it before the society with my humble submissions to there profound speculation, that thereby might be made some improvement in the discovery of the ignicles that emanate from out bodies, & that unperceived continually float in the air, especially in these southern parts of the World, & I should be very proud to have contributed to so usefull a lucubration. I am in great want of the Philos. Transact. from No. 411. to go on in my work of giving to Italy an Essay of them down to the present year exclusive, which I have already compassed as farr as above mentioned, & was in hopes of receiving ere now the quite, butt I dont hear from the Merchant at Leghorne that any shipp has brought them, nor the books you was pleased to mention designed for me, nor the Barometers that I entreated you to send me, wherefore I renew unto you my most earnest request to enquire what is become of the said parcells, & if ever dispatched [fol. 273] I have nothing more at present to impart you wherefore I remaine with reall esteem Sir P.S. Tis very remarkable that this year the flies of all kinds have not appeared in these parts untill the beginning of this month, & even in a very little quantity, which must be owing to the past long winter that must have destroied there eggs. The annex’d letter of Marq. Scipio Master of Verona I caused to be copied from the print, because it would have been to bulky for a packet. Your most obedt. humble sert. Thomas Dereham RSS.

Sir Thomas Dereham (c. 1678-1739) was a British expatriate and Roman Catholic who lived in Italy. He had a close association with the Royal Society (

Patient Details

Letter 4298

J. Clarke to Hans Sloane – July 29, 1731

Item info

Date: July 29, 1731
Author: J. Clarke
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: ff. 278-288

Original Page


[fol. 288] Padworth. July 29. 1731. Sr I beg Yr acceptance of these few coins, that were found in the neighbouring ruins of Silchester: I wish They may deserve a place in Your Musæum, That’s the wonder of every curious Traveller, & the boast of our Country. I blush to think how much Yr generosity has overpaid the little I have contributed, & as my Wife informs me, I am so much further indebted to Yr good nature for Yr kind & ready inclination to serve me, that I am in pain to find myself in so poor a situation as to have no other way to express my gratitude but by a bare acknowledgement. Sr, I hearitly thank Your for all Yr favours to us both & for my part, I make a willing offer of my slender service wherever Yr curiosity may command me; & in the mean time I beg leave to assure You, that there is no one, among the very great number that You have servd, that can be more sensible of Yr favours, & more proud of the honr of subscribing myself Sr Yr most obliged most humble servt J. Clarke Sr, I beg you be so kind as to give my service & respects to Dr Mortimer & Dr Aman.

J. Clarke, of Padworth in Berkshire.

Patient Details