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Letter 4101

J. Bradley to Howard – Apr-16

Item info

Date: Apr-16
Author: J. Bradley
Recipient: Howard

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 269

Original Page


[…] Howard I desire you’ll […] Sr Hans Sloan’s who lives near Bloomsbury Square & if he is within give my service & tell him that I sent you for some Papers that I was inform’d he had received from Italy which related to me. You need not go till between three & four of clock ….. you will scarce fail of meeting with him. If he should not [be?] come in when you are there but is soon expected I desire you’ll stay & if you get ye Papers send them by ye Coach & I will satisfie you for your trouble when I see you next Yours [?] J. Bradley

Rev. J. Bradley (‘James Petiver, FRS Apothecary to the Charter-House: Miscellaneous correspondence’ British Library [ =true&doc=IAMS040-002116460&displayMode=full&dstmp=1432649891937&vid=IAMS_ VU2&ct=display&tabs=detailsTab&fromLogin=true&fromLogin=true, accessed 16 July 2015]) asks Mr Howard (unspecified), to speak to Sir Hans Sloane on his behalf and offer his services to him. Bradley asks Howard to collect papers, which Sloane received from Italy as they relate to him.

Patient Details

Letter 4033

C Lamotte to Scheuzer – ye 28 [..]: 1727

Item info

Date: ye 28 [..]: 1727
Author: C Lamotte
Recipient: Scheuzer

Library: British Library
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: ff. 26-27

Original Page


Newport pannel [nr?] Bukinghamshir ye 28 [..]: 1727 Dear Sr I found my self ill yesterday morning, before I left home with a violent headache – loathsomeness of stomach, & a great looseness. However thinking the journey would do me good I venturd as far as this place wch is 17 miles from my house but the symptoms are so increasd wch I take to bee ye signs of what they call the new feaver, that I fear I am not able to proceed I am extremely Sorry for ye disapointment wch I hope wch be no prjudice to ye affairs of Sr Hannes Sloane but I dread lying .. upon the .ad, & if I am not better this afternoon, I will return home to be sick. Pray give my obedt service to my good friend Mr {…}, whom I had promisd to [d?] Tea with next Thursday morning, & if it be not too great trouble of you should go towards [grafton?] street near the oratory, I beg you would call at my Lodging there at Mrs du Hamels [to?] [Motteners?] over against the [ballo?] wch and .. who expects me & where I sent my to [do a…s?] [last?] week I desire you to tell her I shall not come I beg pardon for this trouble I would have wrote to her my self but by head akes so I am ….. say [ye.?] I am Dear Sr your most humble Servt C Lamotte [T..d.y p…..?]

A third individual is mentioned but his name cannot be identified because a portion of the text is missing.

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A C Lamotte
  • Description

    Lamotte suffers from “a violent headache – loathsomeness of stomach, & a great looseness.” Lamotte informs Scheuchzer that his “symptoms are so increasd wch [he] take[s] to bee ye signs of what they call the new feaver[.]”

  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:
    Ongoing Treatment:
  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Headache, Stomach

Letter 4035

Richard Middleton Massey to Geo. Edwards – March 12, 1740

Item info

Date: March 12, 1740
Author: Richard Middleton Massey
Recipient: Geo. Edwards

Library: British Library
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4066
Folio: f. 126

Original Page


Massey makes mention of “deeads & some odd imperfect fragmants” as well as some “drawings or prints[.]” (Letter is torn in half). Richard Middleton Massey (1678-1743) attended Brasenose College, Oxford but left before obtaining a degree. In 1706 he was admitted Extra-Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and settled in Wisbech where he practiced medicine. Massey was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1712. He compiled the catalogue of the library of the Royal College of Physicians in 1727 (

Patient Details

Letter 4053

Jo: Burnet to J. Petiver –

Item info

Author: Jo: Burnet
Recipient: J. Petiver

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 293

Original Page


My Dear friend I begg pardon for not waiting [of?] you on Sunday but the reason was because I don’t goe away till Thursday or fryday and I inted you shall be one of the last I take my farewell off, I received your packetts and you may be sure I’l take care of them. I am Sir Your Most obedient Servt While Jo: Burnet

Burnet apologies to Petiver for not waiting upon him on Sunday. John Burnet worked as a surgeon for the South Sea Company in the West Indies and later served as the Physician to King Philip V of Spain. (‘James Petiver, FRS Apothecary to the Charter-House: Miscellaneous correspondence’ British Library [ =true&doc=IAMS040-002116460&displayMode=full&dstmp=1432649891937&vid=IAMS_ VU2&ct=display&tabs=detailsTab&fromLogin=true&fromLogin=true, accessed 16 July 2015])

Patient Details

Letter 4058

Andw: Crispe to James P –

Item info

Author: Andw: Crispe
Recipient: James P

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 303

Original Page


Sr. I am to wait on Dr. Hulse at 3 tomorrow at his own house & from thence to a third place where we shall be glad of yr. company for I would desire to know by ye first penny post in ye morning whither this will suite [yt?]. time that I may acquaint ye Dr. Yr humble Servt: Andw: Crispe

Crispe informs Petiver of his upcoming meeting with Dr. Hulse and asks whether Petiver will join them.

Patient Details

Letter 4068

Samuel Clark to Hans Sloane – Thursday November 15th 1733

Item info

Date: Thursday November 15th 1733
Author: Samuel Clark
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4053
Folio: f. 82

Original Page


Clark writes to Sloane from the fleet, saying he will not provide details of his situation, as he is sure Sloane has already heard it, but mentions a fellow prisoner who is a mathematician who would like Sloane to show his work to Charles Wager and any other commissioners. He wishes Sloane would call on Mr. Corbets and Sheers either this afternoon or tomorrow.

Patient Details

Letter 4084

Willm. Green to J. Petiver –

Item info

Author: Willm. Green
Recipient: J. Petiver

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 354

Original Page


Sr: I was to wait on you Monday afternoon to know more parti==cularly of the name and what I shall say to My friend in [paris?] concerning what you wou’d say to Mr: Stoch..s as to yt plan to you Dessigned for me I’ll not Mention [?] to whom they shall be given ‘till another oppertuni=ty for reason’s, I would wait on you the Morrow but take physick to pray send me in writeing yr: Commands I am Sr: without Reserve yr: most sincer friend and humble servt. Willm. Green

Another individual is mentioned but his name cannot be accurately deciphered (Mr: Stoch..s?).

Patient Details

Letter 4096

C: Hatton to J. Petiver – May. 22.

Item info

Date: May. 22.
Author: C: Hatton
Recipient: J. Petiver

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 368

Original Page


Charles Hatton informs James Petiver that he recently saw Mr. Evelyn at his house in Dover Street. Hatton asks Petiver to visit Mr. Evelyn this week “and take wth you [Petiver] some specimen’s to present to him [Evelyn.]” Charles Hatton was the son of Christopher Hatton, 1st Baron Hatton and brother of Christopher Hatton, 1st Viscount Hatton [Sir Bernard Burke, C.B. LL.D., A Genealogical History of the Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages of the British Empire, new edition (1883; reprint, Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1978), page 269]

Patient Details

Letter 4097

C: Hatton to Jame Pettifer –

Item info

Author: C: Hatton
Recipient: Jame Pettifer

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: ff. 369-370

Original Page


Doctor Sloane called upon me this morning telling me yt ye late apoth[e?] =cary to the charter House was dead and yt Mr Pettifer stands candidat to succeed him Hearing this you may be assured Sr I will to ye utmost of my power endeavou[r?] to serve you I was to waite on my lord Marquiss of Hallifax but he is gone to his house at Acton But I have writ to my Brother Hatton to engage my ld Nottingam to employ his interest wth him in yr behalf and I am sure ther can not be a more powerfull one and in ye interim I will and pray .. you makent other appliati =[on?] to him is possible as I shall not faile wth all possible diligence to severall of ye other governors for I doe not know a greater Benefac =tion can be done to ye Hospitall than brining Mr Pettifer to ye place now vacant ther I am Cordially and Sincerely yours C: Hatton

Charles Hatton writes to James Petiver regarding his candidacy for the position of apothecary at the Charter House. Charles Hatton was the son of Christopher Hatton, 1st Baron Hatton and brother of Christopher Hatton, 1st Viscount Hatton [Sir Bernard Burke, C.B. LL.D., A Genealogical History of the Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages of the British Empire, new edition (1883; reprint, Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1978), page 269]. Additional text appears on the back of Hatton’s letter, which is written in another individual’s hand – possibly Petiver’s. The author mentions a Mr. Nicholson and Mr. [Tooke?] along with a few others whose names cannot be accurately deciphered. In addition, the author makes mention of “2 coppies of ye Physitians Testimony” and “Mr Parrotts booke of ye Charter house” (Author’s hand writing is difficult to decipher)

Patient Details

Letter 4110

John Delacourt to Hans Sloane – August 2nd 1733

Item info

Date: August 2nd 1733
Author: John Delacourt
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4053
Folio: f. 19

Original Page


Delacourt writes to Sloane on behalf of Lady Sondes who wanted to inform Sloane of her friend, Lady P, who contracted a cold after a trip to London. Symptoms included fever, headache and sleepiness primarily after she takes a walk outside. Because of these symptoms, she is unable to physically come to see Sloane in person.

Patient Details