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James Augustus Blondell

James Augustus Blondell (1666-1734) was born in Paris and took his MD at Leyden in 1692. He was admitted a Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians in 1711. Blondell authored two works: ‘The Strength of Imagination of Pregnant Women Examined’ of 1727 and ‘The Power of the Mother’s Imagination over the Foetus Examined’ in 1729.


( [accessed 14 April 2017]).

Dates: to

Occupation: Unknown

Relationship to Sloane: Virtual International Authority File:

Letter 2189

Thomas Tufton, 6th Earl of Thanet to Hans Sloane – October 27, 1719

Item info

Date: October 27, 1719
Author: Thomas Tufton, 6th Earl of Thanet
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4045
Folio: ff. 261-262

Original Page


[fol. 261] Hothfield Oct. 27. 1719. Sir Hans I can’t omit returning you my thanks for the Acct you give me of the Child. who made my heart ake whissh he was here, so see wth he Suffer’d. I can’t but be Satisfy’d that he is gott safe to London, & now under your care ; Sr Boys found it so difficult to get him to take anything, that he try’d bathing of him, upon my mentioning it to him, who had formerly found so much benefit by it myself, the like cass, wch had very good effect, by his making wake up early in the night. This he foun’d to be very sati wth sitting quietly in the Bath all the time, but he was ready to fall into Fitts wth so the nurse used to give him anything, + I fear it may be of danger: our conssi to make any further Search on so young a child. I must also Thank you for the good Acct. you give me of my Daughter. Salisbury + her family. Who am your faithfull Frind Thomt

Thomas Tufton (1644-1729), 6th Earl of Thanet, was a nobleman and politician. He served as Captain of the Troop of Horse, Member of Parliament for Appelby from 1668 to 1679, and was eventually invested as a Privy Councillor in 1702. He was Lord-Lieutenant of Cumberland from 1712 to 1714 (G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, ‘The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant’, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume III, page 297).

Patient Details

Mårten Triewald

Mårten Triewald (1691-1747) was a Swedish merchant, engineer, physicist, and military architect. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1731 and served as the King of Sweden’s Director of Mechanics.


(årten_Triewald [accessed 14 April 2017]).

Dates: to

Occupation: Unknown

Relationship to Sloane: Virtual International Authority File:

Letter 2153

William Hamill to Hans Sloane – May, 1717

Item info

Date: May, 1717
Author: William Hamill
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4045
Folio: ff. 3-4

Original Page


Sloane MS 4045, f. 4r

Sloane MS 4045, f. 4v

Hamill wrote a memorial to the ‘Officers and Soldiers for their service in Ireland in the late Revolution’ in 1714. He implores Sloane to provide what money he can to alleviate a debt. Hamill does not want it to burden his family when he dies.

Note the traces of a red seal on fol. 4r.

Patient Details

Letter 2219

Thomas Tufton, 6th Earl of Thanet to Hans Sloane – December 2, 1717

Item info

Date: December 2, 1717
Author: Thomas Tufton, 6th Earl of Thanet
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4045
Folio: f. 76

Original Page


Thomas Tufton (1644-1729), 6th Earl of Thanet, was a nobleman and politician. He served as Captain of the Troop of Horse, Member of Parliament for Appelby from 1668 to 1679, and was eventually invested as a Privy Councillor in 1702. He was Lord-Lieutenant of Cumberland from 1712 to 1714 (G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, ‘The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant’, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume III, page 297).

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A Thomas Tufton, 6th Earl of Thanet
  • Description

    Tufton fell down when going to bed after experiencing a 'swiming in [his] head'.

  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:

    He took 'Harthorne drops in Water, and [his] Herb snuff after it'. He does not want his blood let because it will lead to a loss of strength and chills.

    Ongoing Treatment:

    Tufton wants to know if he should be bled, cupped, or given an electuary. He solicits Sloane's advice.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference

Letter 2585

Thomas Lovell to Hans Sloane – March 6, 1719/20

Item info

Date: March 6, 1719/20
Author: Thomas Lovell
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4076
Folio: f. 42

Original Page


(f. 42r) Sr, I doubt not, but that you have thought me tedious in not writing to you, since I left the town: I had some acci- dental business unforeseen when I was with you, which occasion’d my delay of following your prescriptions till this last month: I have now gon through them and though I cannot yet perceive any benefit from them, yet I must own they have had some effect upon my eyes, by causing a more than ordina- ry pain in them. Be pleased, Sr, to fa- vour me with a line, if you can be any thing beneficial to me, who is your most obedient and most devoted Humble Servt Tho. Lovell Be pleased to direct for me to be left at Mr Chrisloes in Grantham Lincolns.

Penny post stamp and remains of red wax seal on exterior of letter.

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A Thomas Lovell
    Gender: Male
  • Description

    Apparently a man who travels a lot, given his reference to busy-ness, as well as different locations given for where he was writing the letter and the destination for Sloane's reply.

  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:
    Ongoing Treatment:

    Sloane noted a short prescription at the bottom of the letter, which included bleeding: venesect. vesicator. tinct. facr. Jeaceph.


    Patient reports receiving no benefit from treatment Sloane had prescribed.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Pain, Eyes

Letter 3246

Richard Middleton Massey to Hans Sloane – January 9, 1725/26

Item info

Date: January 9, 1725/26
Author: Richard Middleton Massey
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4048
Folio: ff. 122-123

Original Page


Massey’s neighbour requests Sloane’s medical advice. Richard Middleton Massey (1678-1743) attended Brasenose College, Oxford but left before obtaining a degree. In 1706 he was admitted Extra-Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and settled in Wisbech where he practiced medicine. Massey was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1712. He compiled the catalogue of the library of the Royal College of Physicians in 1727 (

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A Unnamed
  • Description

    The patient has pain in the 'fore part of his head', which began at Michaelmas and continued for a time. He attempted to make the pain go away with alcohol, which only made it worse. Roughly 'once in a fortnight [...] he would be of a sudden frequently blind for a minute of two'. The man can 'distinguish light but not colours'. He experiences trembling in his knees.

  • Diagnosis

    Massey examined the man's eyes and could find nothing out of the ordinary. The quack told the patient he suffered from 'a gutta serena'.

  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:

    Massey prescribed 'chalybeat wth bitters'.

    Ongoing Treatment:

    A 'quack of London' gave the man 'some drops wch he says will cure him however he [the patient] is not willing to trust him, but desires yr [Sloane's] prescription'.


    The 'chalybeat wth bitters' cured the man's eye problems.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Eyes, Pain, Head

Letter 3220

Philip Henry Zollman to Hans Sloane – November 17, 1725

Item info

Date: November 17, 1725
Author: Philip Henry Zollman
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4048
Folio: ff. 90-91

Original Page


[fol. 90] Stockholm 17th Nov. 1725. O.S. Sir I have taken the opportunity of a Ship’s sailing for England (which probably may be the last for this season) to send you a wooden Box containing part of the Books you desired, not having been able to meet with all. The Ship’s Name is The Dicky of Ramsgate, Robert Friend Master, who set sail on the 11th instant. I had every thing ready but was advertised so late, that the Master in the hurry forgot to give me a Receipt. However as Mss’rs Grainger and Wordsworth took care to get the Box directed to you and put on board with other goods of their own, I do not doubt but it will be safely delivered. I added to the Books you desired, a Folio of Peringskiold’s, relating to the Genealogies of the Swedish King, published, as I believe, since his death, which as it serves for an Explanation of the large Genealogy in Print which you ordered me to buy, I hope you will approve of my exceeding your Commission so far. You will find in the same Box a Parcel sealed up by Dr Benzelius, who is at present in Town and presents his respects to you. These which I bought I got washed in glue water, as is usual in these Countries by reason of the bad Paper, and also stitched: which expense I hope you will likewise allow, the rather because the Prints seem’d to require it. As Dr Benzelius cannot tell me yet what he laid out for his Parcel, I must deferr sending the accompt till another time. Some weeks ago I sent a Packet recommended to me by Dr Benzelius from Upsal, by Mr Spear the King’s Messenger, to Hanover, from whence he promised to get it forwarded to you to London. One of the enclosed is a Memorandum, which Colonel Bassewith the King’s Minister here [fol. 91] for the affairs of his Majesty’s Electorate, desired me to transmit to some learned Antiquary in England. I take the liberty to recommend the Resolution of his Querries to you. He is a Gentleman well versed in the Antiquities of this Country, a great friend of Dr Benzelius, and may be serviceable in his turn on the like occasion. By the next Messenger I shall send Trimestre 11’dum Actorum Upsaliensium 1725. At present I conclude with my most ardent wishes for your health and welfare, and the assurances of my being with the greatest respects and gratitude Sir Your most humble and most obedient servant P.H. Zollman

Philip Henry Zollman (c. 1680-1748) was the Royal Society’s first Assistant Secretary for Foreign Correspondence, a post he assumed in 1723. He first landed in England in 1714, was trained in several foreign languages, and regularly corresponded with Leibniz (Derek Massarell, ‘Philip Henry Zollman, the Royal Society’s First Assistant Secretary for Foreign Correspondence’, Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 46, no. 2 (1992), 219-234).

Patient Details

Letter 3150

William Coventry, 5th Earl of Coventry to Hans Sloane – February 24, 1725

Item info

Date: February 24, 1725
Author: William Coventry, 5th Earl of Coventry
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4047
Folio: ff. 325-326

Original Page


William Coventry (1688-1750/51), 5th Earl of Coventry, was MP for Bridport between 1708 and 1719. He was invested into the Privy Council in 1719/20 and served as Custos Rotulorum of Worcestershire from 1720 to 1751 (G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume III, page 473).

Patient Details

Letter 3384

Henry Elking to Hans Sloane – October 5, 1727

Item info

Date: October 5, 1727
Author: Henry Elking
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4049
Folio: ff. 44-45

Original Page


Elking sends curiosities, including ‘A large Bird called a Burgomaster from Greenland’, ‘A Bone out of the Penis of a Wallross, whereof You had a head last year’, ‘From davis’s straights, is the Coat of a woman made of Seal Skin, and a wooden Ornamt which they wear to keep the sun out of their Eyes’, a dart used to hunt birds, ‘A pair of Childrens shoes’, and some clothes.

Patient Details